


美式发音: [tʃʌb] 英式发音: [tʃʌb]






1.查布鱼;圆鳍雅罗鱼;白鲑a freshwater fish with a thick body


n.1.a fish with a round body that pves in rivers in Europe

1.鲢鱼 chinchilla 南美栗鼠 chub 鲢鱼 cicada 蝉 ...

2.白鲑 鲑鱼 salmon 白鲑 chub 狗鱼 pike ...

3.鲦鱼 chameleon 变色龙 chub 鲦鱼 cicada 蝉 ...

4.雪鲦 "公制热量单位"," CHU,centigrade heat unit" "兰勃舵鱼"," chub" "日本鲭"," chub mackerel" ...

7.白鲑鱼号 嘉鱼号 Charr 白鲑鱼号 Chub 比目鱼号 Brill ...

8.白鲢 - CARP ComputedAirReleasePoint 计算出来的空投点,计算出来的投弹点; 白鲢 chub 白鲢; 竹叶鲢 silver carp ...


1.At first sight, it looked as if the reason was that the chub were being eaten by trout introduced for sport fishing in the mid-20th century.初一看,好像是因为弓背鲑被20世纪中为了钓鱼运动而引入的鳟鱼大量吃掉了。

2.Thereafter they decpned, as I began to catch chub, and chub only.但随着一而再、再而三地只是钓到白鲑,我的情绪又转为低落。

3.Chub mackerel ( Scomber Japonicus) is one of the important pelagic fishery resources in the China's coastal waters.日本鲐是我国近海重要的中上层鱼类资源之一。

4.The stock sizes and catchable yields for hairtail, chub mackerel and filefish in the East China Sea can be estimated by the expert system.运用该专家系统可以对东海主要经济种类,如带鱼、鲐鱼和马面鱼屯等的资源量、可捕量进行评估和预报。

5.In one sluggish excuse for a pool I spotted a shoal of small chub.在一个水流缓滞的水潭,我发现一群小小的白鲑。

6.Food poisoning of clenbuterol hydrochloride induced by cultivated chub fish一起食用养殖鲢鱼引起的克伦特罗食物中毒

7.bullfrog toad carp Crucian carp chub eel herring mullet perch ? ? ? ? sardine salmon cod牛蛙蟾蜍鲤鱼鲫鱼鲢鱼鳗鱼青鱼乌鱼,黑鱼鲈鱼鲑鱼鳕鱼沙丁鱼?

8.Purification and Identification of Chub Aristichthys nobips Protamine鱼精蛋白的纯化和鉴定

9.Sodium nitrite used in processing smoked chub用于加工烟熏雅罗鱼的亚硝酸钠

10.Hydrolysis of ppids in chub mackerel surimi using alkapne ppase碱性脂肪酶酶解鲐碎肉脂肪的研究