


美式发音: [tʃʌm] 英式发音: [tʃʌm]




复数:chums  现在分词:chumming  过去式:chummed  同义词反义词





1.朋友;友人;伙伴a friend

an old school chum老校友



n.1.a close friend

1.密友 chuff 粗暴的人 chum 密友 chunk 信息块 ...

2.狗鲑 CHOY 蔡 CHUM DIK 迪 ...

4.好友 ... help oneself: 自己享用,自取 chum: 好友 testimony: 证词,陈述 ...

5.好朋友 52狮子( pon) 63好朋友( chum) 这个词是314,“纸( pa-per) ...

6.鱼饵 chic 时尚的 chum 好朋友,鱼饵 clan 氏族,部落 ...

7.室友 flail 连枷 chum 密友,室友 ludic 爱嬉戏的 ...

8.Centre Hospital of University Montreal


1.And I'm also not sure that getting her to earn pocket money with a chum of yours is a great idea either.让她在你的朋友那里赚点零花钱是不是好主意呢?我也说不好。

2.Mr Chum, at UBS, calls it a "classic case of unintended consequences" .瑞士银行的查姆称之为“无意识后果的经典案例。”

3.An old schoolmate and chum of mine, of ten years ago, wants me to read him all that I write as fast as I write it.又有一位我十年前的老同学、老室友要我把我写的都念给他听,写得有多快就念多快。

4.He can only sit in the water and croak to other frogs, and can't be the chum of any human being.他只能坐在水里,对别的青蛙呱呱地叫,决不能成为任何人的好朋友。

5.Space and social pfe are highly regulated within the chum, and the sewing materials will be stored in a special area reserved for women.在那里,相伴着的人们的生活的空间得到了充分的间隔和足够的利用,还为女人们留出了一方专门放置缝纫材料的天地。

6.Chum Frink chanted, "Oh, say, I got hold of a swell new receipt for home-made beer the other day. "朱姆·弗林克单调地说:“哦,那天我搞到一个极好的家酿啤酒的新配方。”

7.The Gambia's president, Yahya Jammeh, is an old chum of Mr Gbagbo, and Ghana makes money from the confpct.甘比亚总统,叶海亚•贾梅是巴博先生的老友,而加纳从这场冲突中赚钱。

8.And one in Arkansas was pushed aside to make room for a chum of Karl Rove, George Bush's top strategist.而阿肯色州的一名检察官之所以靠边站,因为他要给乔治•布什的军师卡尔•罗夫的好友腾地方。

9.You see I chum with the few mechanics there were in that station.你们看,我倒情愿与那站上的那几个机修工铰朋友。

10.He usually went with a chum, and after the performance they had beer and maybe some oysters somewhere.他经常和一春,和之后的表现,他们喝啤酒,也许一些牡蛎的地方。