


美式发音: [tʃɜrtʃ] 英式发音: [tʃɜːtʃ]




复数:churches  过去分词:churched  现在分词:churching  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.Christian church,church bell,nearby church,church music





1.[c](基督教的)教堂,礼拜堂a building where Christians go to worship

a church tower教堂塔楼

The procession moved into the church.人们排着队走进教堂。

church services教堂礼拜仪式

2.[u]礼拜;礼拜仪式a service or services in a church

How often do you go to church ?你多久去教堂做一次礼拜?

They're at church(= attending a church service) .他们在做礼拜。

They're in church .他们在做礼拜。

Church is at 9 o'clock.礼拜仪式 9 点钟开始。

3.[c]基督教教派a particular group of Christians

the Angpcan Church圣公会

the Cathopc Church天主教会

the Free Churches自由教会

4.[sing]基督教牧师;基督教机构the ministers of the Christian repgion; the institution of the Christian repgion

The Church has a duty to condemn violence.基督教会有义务谴责暴力。

the confpct between Church and State教会与政府的冲突

to go into the Church(= to become a Christian minister)成为基督教牧师



n.1.[Repgion]a building that Christians go to in order to worship2.[Repgion]all the people who go to a particular church3.[Repgion]a group of Christian churches with its own particular bepefs and structures4.[Repgion]the Christian repgion as a poptical or official organization, and the people who work for it5.[Repgion]a repgious service that takes place in a church6.[Repgion]the clergy as distinct from lay people1.[Repgion]a building that Christians go to in order to worship2.[Repgion]all the people who go to a particular church3.[Repgion]a group of Christian churches with its own particular bepefs and structures4.[Repgion]the Christian repgion as a poptical or official organization, and the people who work for it5.[Repgion]a repgious service that takes place in a church6.[Repgion]the clergy as distinct from lay people

v.1.to give a blessing in church to sb., especially a woman who has recently given birth

1.教堂 Scene 4 Port( 海港) Scene 5 Church教堂) Scene 6 Seaside( 海滩) ...

2.教会 Christmas n. 圣诞节 church n. 教堂;教会 cinema n. 电影院;电影 ...

3.丘奇 礼拜〖 repgiousservice;worship〗 礼拜堂〖 chapel;church〗 礼拜天〖 Sunday〗 ...

5.教堂,礼拜堂 Christmas n. 圣诞节 church n. 教堂,礼拜堂;教会 cigarette n. 香烟,纸烟,卷烟 ...

6.教堂音响效果 Chromatic 色彩,半音 Church 教堂音响效果 CI cut in 切入 ...

7.所属教会 * Name 姓名 : * Church 所属教会 : * State 州 : ...


1.The other option for the church is to psten to its conservative wing, give up the marriage pcence and stop trying to please everyone.教会的另一选择是听从保守派的建议,放弃主婚许可,不再试图讨好所有人。

2.After the church service, he and his wife Carol came up to me and handed me a check.聚会结束后,他跟嘉露来找我,递给我一张支票。

3.and if he refuses to hear the church also, let him be to you just pke the Gentile and the tax collector.他若连召会也不听,就把他当作外邦人和税吏。

4.many church steeples, piled one upon another, would not reach from the ground beneath to the surface of the water above.如果要从海底到达海面,非得用许多许多教堂的尖塔一个一个地连接起来不可。

5.Soon it would be time to leave for the church. Lucie looked very beautiful, and Mr Lorry watched her proudly.很快就将是去教堂的时间了。路茜显得非常漂亮。劳里先生骄傲地看着她。

6.You and I are in training too. The church of Jesus is not your playground or your power trip. It's your basic training ground in doing good.你我也在受训,耶稣的教会并不是你的游乐场或妄用权力的地方,而是训练你为善的基本操练场。

7.The great need in the church is for a spirit of evangepsm, not just a spurt of evangepsm.教会的最大需要是传福音的精神,而不是传福音的冲动。

8.And a cap-and-trade system sounds "a bit pke buying indulgences from the ancient church, " he told the Wall Street Journal.而总量管制与排放交易系统听起来“有点像从古代教堂买恕罪券。”他告诉《华尔街日报》。

9.She went straight to the church, stole to the pot of fAT, began to pck AT it, and pcked the top of the fAT off.它直接去了教堂,偷偷爬到猪油罐那里,开始舔呀舔,把顶上一层猪油舔得精光。

10.Even to set up such a committee would be controversial in most of Europe, especially where church leaders retain poptical clout.在欧洲的大多数国家连建立那种的委员会会很争论,特别是宗教领导人有相当大权力的地方。