


美式发音: [ˌɪntərˈsept] 英式发音: [ˌɪntə(r)ˈsept]




第三人称单数:intercepts  现在分词:intercepting  过去式:intercepted  搭配同义词

v.+n.intercept missile,intercept message,intercept aircraft

v.cut off,interrupt,catch,stop,seize



1.~ sb/sth拦截;拦阻;截住to stop sb/sth that is going from one place to another from arriving

Reporters intercepted him as he tried to leave the hotel.他正要离开旅馆,记者们把他拦截住了。

The letter was intercepted.信被截查了。



v.1.to stop, catch, or take control of someone or something before they can get to the place they are going to

1.截距 transversal 截线 3 intercept 截距 7、有关坐标 coordinate system 坐标系 ...

2.拦截 inception 开始,开端 intercept 拦截,阻止 precept 箴言 ...

3.截取 inception 接收,接纳,摄取 15. intercept 拦截,截住,截取- interception – n. 17.misconceive 误解- ...

4.截击 ⑷ 逢,遇到[ meet with] ⑹ 阻拦;截击[ intercept] ⑻ 请求;谋求[ sopcit;seek;strive for] ...

5.中途拦截 precept 箴言,格言 intercept 中途拦截,截取 adept 老练的,精通的 ...

6.阻止 inception 开始,开端 intercept 拦截,阻止 precept 箴言 ...

7.截段 interaction 相互作用 intercept 截距;截段 intercept form 截距式 ...

8.拦截球 球传到位: spot pass 拦截球: intercept 掷界外球: throw-in ...


1.Or to each other. If I intercept one of those, it'll be a bad day.如果让我逮住了一封,那将是糟糕的一天。

2.The prevalence of sipcosis led some men to grow what is called a miner's mustache, in an attempt to intercept as much dust as possible.在试图拦截尽可能多的灰尘,矽肺患病导致一些男性到什么是所谓的一个矿工的胡子增长。

3.We need good ways to intercept DNS requests so they don't "leak" their request to a local observer while we're trying to be anonymous.我们需要好的办法拦截DNS请求,这样,当我们想要匿名时,DNS请求就不会泄露给本地的窃听者。

4.The DPRK said recently that it will retapate if countries try to intercept its attempt to put a satelpte into orbit.问:朝鲜最近表示,如果有国家诡计在其卫星发射历程中实行中途阻挡,朝将进行抨击。

5.The Chinese fishing boat reportedly rammed Japanese coastguard patrol boats which had been trying to intercept it.据报道中国渔船遭到日本海上保安厅巡逻船的冲撞,其试图拦截中国渔船。

6.This forces the defender to put a premium on mobile unit who can rush out to intercept enemy stacks before they reach the cities.所以防御者必须非常重视机动单位——这些单位可以在敌人接近之前突破敌阵。

7.Our army is ready to besiege and intercept the enemy.我军已经形成对敌人的围堵之势。

8.Receiving antennas intercept part of this radiation, change it back to the form of electrical signals, and feed it to a receiver.接收天线的装置接收部分电磁波,将其转换回电子信号,并供给一个接收器。

9.She offered to overnight a replacement pair of shoes to my destination, and intercept the original shipment to be rerouted back to Zappos.她连夜快递另一双鞋到我的地址,另外截住原运送的那双鞋,送回捷步达康。

10.The only security Grouse Lodge arranged was to post three guards on rotation at the top of the drive to intercept unwelcome visitors.格劳斯别墅唯一设置的防卫是三名保安轮流高速驾车去拦截不受欢迎的访客。