


美式发音: [ˈsɪndər] 英式发音: [ˈsɪndə(r)]



复数:cinders  同义词




1.灰烬;余烬a small piece of ash or partly burnt coal, wood, etc. that is no longer burning but may still be hot

a cinder track(= a track for runners made with finely crushed cinders )用细煤渣铺成的跑道


n.1.a small piece of something that has been burned almost completely; the burned pieces left after a fire has stopped burning

1.煤渣 rejectamenta 废弃物,垃圾,排泄物 cinder 煤渣,灰烬 repristination 恢复原状 ...

2.炉渣 炉灶〖 kitchenstove;cookingrange;cooker;rap〗 炉渣cinder;slag〗 炉子〖 furnace;oven;stov…

3.灰烬 sensacio son 声音也是延伸 汉: cinder 灰烬 ten 有关系 1 ...

4.矿渣 cider n. 苹果酒,苹果汁 cinder n. 余烬,矿渣 cipher n. 零,无影响力的人,密码 ...

5.余烬 cider n. 苹果酒,苹果汁 cinder n. 余烬,矿渣 cipher n. 零,无影响力的人,密码 ...

6.火山渣 cinchona 金鸡纳皮 cinder 火山渣 cinder 火山渣炭渣 ...

7.熔渣 Chipping 表面清理/精整 Cinder 炉渣,熔渣 Circpp 簧环 ...

8.煤屑 cigaret 纸烟 cinder 煤屑 cinema 电影院 ...


1.This valve is usually used in the ventilation ducts to control the wind-conditioning or regulating emissions from coal cinder flows.此阀门一般使用于通风管道内控制风力调节,或者是煤渣流量排放调节。

2.Large volcanic eruptions along the Great Rift formed this and other "big craters, " as well as the cinder cones at the bottom.沿大裂谷形成的火山大爆发这个问题和其他“大弹坑,”以及在底部渣锥。

3."That Scotchman that went out on the last car, " put in a voice, "told me that they hit him in the car with a cinder. "“那个开上一辆车出去的苏格兰人,”一个声音插进来说,“告诉我他们用一块煤渣打中了他的耳朵。”

4.But he took off his sweater and they began jogging slowly around the cinder track.不过,他还是脱了厚毛衣,两人开始沿煤渣跑道慢慢地晃着跑起来。

5.The front porch steps were missing, replaced by a few cinder blocks and planks.前面门廊处的台阶不见了,眼下用一些煤渣块和木板将就着。

6.Some cinder block walls appeared to have collapsed and most windows were shattered in the once gleaming residential block.在这个曾经一度光鲜亮丽的居民区,一些煤渣墙看来已经倒塌,大多数窗户已经破损。

7.At the time of the USSR's collapse he had 30 employees in his small firm, which produced cinder blocks and was expanding rapidly.到苏联解体时,他生产煤渣转的小型企业已经拥有三十名雇员,并正在迅速扩大。

8.The total heat, though, will be enough to burn Earth to a cinder, and all pfe upon it will be destroyed.这时,它的热量足以将地球燃烧成灰烬,地球上所有的生物也随之毁灭。

9.An hour under one of those things and you'd be just a cinder.在这种东西下照一个小时,你就变成灰了。

10.GPS can be used to monitor the volume of cinder and residue as well their area covered besides positioning.GPS除能完成定位外,可以监测弃上弃渣体积和堆弃渣面积;