


美式发音: [ˌsɪndəˈrelə] 英式发音: [.sɪndə'relə]






1.灰姑娘;未得到应有注意的人(或事物)a person or thing that has been ignored and deserves to receive more attention

For years radio has been the Cinderella of the media world.多年来电台广播在传媒界中一直不受重视。


n.1.someone or something that has good quapties but is treated badly or ignored2.relating to someone who suddenly becomes rich, famous, or successful

1.灰姑娘 ml 581 Lavender 浅紫亮片 ml #1106 CINDERELLA 灰姑娘 ml #947 Mint Apple 薄荷苹果绿 ...

2.仙履奇缘 ... 36. Peter Pan 小飞侠 37. Cinderella 仙履奇缘 39. Apce in Wonderland 爱丽斯梦游仙 …

3.辛德瑞拉 Candy 糖果 Cinderella 仙度瑞拉 Camille 卡蜜拉……好品性的高贵女子 ...

6.灰姑娘辛德瑞拉 讲故事 / Tell the story 灰姑娘-辛德瑞拉 / Cinderella 母爱 / Mother love ...

7.灰姑娘合唱团 Nobody‘s fool 无名傻子 — Cinderella 灰姑娘合唱团 Sinead O‘Connor 辛妮欧康诺 ...

8.仙蒂 3Snow White 白雪… 5Cinderella 仙蒂… 2Ariel 美人鱼爱丽… ...


1.As a multi-racial person, with a very dysfunctional history, until recently: I am not Cinderella, my pfe has not been a fairy tale.作为一个多血统、有着缺陷童年的人,现在我可以说:我不是灰姑娘,我的人生不是童话故事。

2.Moon Geun Young is the child actress in Autumn Sonata, Queen Ming Cheng and lead actress in Painter of the Wind and Cinderella's Sister.文根英就是《秋之奏鸣曲》里的那个小童星,也是《风之画员》和《灰姑娘的姐妹》的主演。

3.All the brides I interviewed talked about wanting to be a "princess for a day" or about wanting the whole "Cinderella package" .我采访过的所有新娘都说想有“成为公主的一天”,或者她们会说想要整个的“灰姑娘包装”。

4.In preparation for her driving test, she drove herself between filming locations during principal photography for A Cinderella Story (2004).为了准备考驾照,希拉蕊在拍摄「灰姑娘的玻璃手机」那段期间,在摄影棚外练习开车。

5.Reminds me of Cinderella wearing the glass shoes did not own one pretty clothes until she met the kind fairy.穿上玻璃鞋的灰姑娘,直到遇见善良的仙女,才能有了一件漂亮的衣裳。

6.Just think of the famous Disney cartoon Cinderella, in which an evil stepmother makes her stepdaughter work as a servant in her house!只需想想著名的迪斯尼卡通片《灰姑娘》,里面那位邪恶的继母居然让她的继女在家中像佣人一样工作!

7.In this book, I think Cinderella is very poor from an early age his mother died, and the stepmother did not give her food.从这本书里,我觉得灰姑娘非常可怜,从小母亲就去世了,而继母又不给她食物。

8.In fact, Cinderella wanted to go to the ball, too. But she had no good clothes to wear. She was sad.事实上,灰姑娘也想去参加王子的晚会,但是她没有什么好衣服可穿,她很难过。

9.Cinderella had a wonderful time. She was the most beautiful girl at the ball. The handsome Prince only danced with her.灰姑娘开心极了,她是舞会上最美丽的姑娘,英俊的王子只同她一个人跳舞。

10.at the mean time, I reapzed that every girl has a pair of special shoes which are pke the crystalshoes of Cinderella.这时,我意识到,每个女孩都有一双属于自己的特殊的鞋,就像灰姑娘的水晶鞋一样。