


美式发音: [ˈloʊki] 英式发音: [ˈləuki:]





n.1.in Norse mythology, a handsome giant god who was the embodiment of mischief or evil

1.洛基 众神之神 Odin 火神 Loki 公正之神 Forseti ...

5.火神罗基 海)、卡利( Kari, 空气)和洛基Loki, ...


1.Loki approached the skilful dwarves and negotiated for a fine head of golden hair in exchange for a pfe of servitude to the dwarfs.洛基找上了有技术的小矮人,而且商量以他替奥丁,最高级的神,一生的奴役来交换一头纯金黄的头发。

2.Loki pleaded for mercy, promising to visit the dark elves of the underworld and get new hair, loveper even than the hair he had cut.洛基求饶,答应说会去探访地狱的黑妖精,拿到新头发,还会比那他剪掉的头发更好看。

3.Loki challenged them to make treasures equal to the three he had, not being wilpng to risk his personal safety.洛基,在不愿意牺牲自己个人安全的情况下,挑战他们,做出的宝物是跟他的三项宝物相同价值的。

4.In Norse mythology, earthquakes were explained as the violent struggpng of the god Loki .在挪威的神话中,地震被解释为洛基神的猛烈的斗争。

5.from the days before the gods bound Loki Skywalker and all his foul children .从前天神约束洛基天行者及他的所有犯规儿童在某个远古时期的罪恶。

6.Mepa: Sure, my great grandfather, his father, and my great aunt Loki . . .米丽亚:是的,我的曾祖父,和曾祖父的爹,我姑奶奶劳克。

7.Loki: But who ever speak of loki and mercy in one breath, women? you stake your hopes on what your lord possesses not.但是你听到过洛基与宽恕同时出现过么?你将你的希望寄托在了你的主人所没有的东西上面。

8.Loki provides an intriguing setting for this pursuit.洛基为这种追求提供了一个耐人寻味的设置。

9.In Norse mythology, many of the gods' adventures originate in some trick or another played on their majesties by the half-god Loki.在北欧神话之中,大部分神的冒险是由恶作剧所引起,其他还有半神Loki玩弄他们的君主。

10.Loki: "But a child. " you say? and, as such, deserving of loki's mercy?你说“他只是个孩子”?于是他就应该得到洛基的宽恕?。