


美式发音: [ˈpeɪˌdeɪ] 英式发音: [ˈpeɪdeɪ]






1.发薪日;发工资日the day on which you get your wages or salary

Friday is payday.星期五是发薪日。


n.1.the day when you get your salary

1.发薪日 rebate 回扣 payday 发薪日 mortgage 抵押 ...

2.发工资日 premium,bonus,extra pay 奖励 payday 发工资日, 付薪日 pay spp 工资单 ...

3.收获日 Paperman( 纸片人) PAYDAY:The Heist( 收获日:掠夺) PlanetSide( 行星边际) ...

4.付薪日 premium,bonus,extra pay 奖励 payday 发工资日, 付薪日 pay spp 工资单 ...

5.交割日 ... 第5章节: Chapter 5,0:28:38 Payday 交割日(赛车场景) 影片 Movie…

6.过户结账日 par value 票面价格 payday 过户结账日 preference stock 优先股 ...

7.付账日 ... High Roller( 挥金如土的人) 得到100000分 Payday( 付账日) 收集750个金币 ...


1.She decided to scare him out of his bad ways so one payday she put a white sheet over herself and hid in the graveyard.他老婆决定吓吓他,让他改掉坏毛病。他丈夫发薪水的一天,他披了块白布,藏在坟场中。

2.Calculate exactly how much you're saving by brown baggin' it, and deposit that much extra into your savings every payday.但要计算出你午饭到底省了多少钱,然后再在发薪水日把省下的钱存入银行。

3.I've stayed late at work and missed the last bus home, so I've had to fork out for a taxi when I'm dangerously close to payday.加班加得太晚了,没赶上回家的末班公车,所以我只好花钱打的了,好在马上就该发工资了。

4.That $50 a month leaving your bank account on payday that you barely notice will add up to $600 a year, plus your return on investment.每月发薪日从你的银行账户里提出拟几乎不注意的50美元,累积起来一年就有600美元,还有你的投资回报。

5.What's more, since loan periods are often short (as in payday lending), cpents don't actually pay all that much.此外,由于在薪资贷款中借贷期通常较短,顾客事实上并没有付那么多钱。

6.Its shares trade at more than double their lows of a year ago and many of its 30, 000 employees expect a bumper payday to wrap up the year.该行股价已较去年低点高出一倍以上,它的3万名员工中,许多人有望拿到丰厚的年终奖。

7.I continue to contribute to it each payday and within a few months it will be fairly healthy and I can begin to save for other things.我继续在每次领工资时往里面添钱,相信几个月后,这份资金就是相当可观,我就可以开始为其他事情省钱了。

8.I can remember how we waited for payday as if it were a hopday.我还记得我们等待发薪日就好像是等待一个节日。

9.Genius, luck, whatever you want to call it, Zuckerberg reaped a major payday from his first full-time job--cofounder and CEO of Facebook.天才、幸运儿,无论你想怎么称呼他,扎克伯格从他的第一份全职工作中获得了巨额财富,他是Facebook联合创始人和首席执行官。

10.However, you need to understand that obtaining a payday loan is a course of action that can be far from ideal in many circumstances.然而你需要明白在许多情况下,发薪日贷款是不够理想的。