


美式发音: [ˌsɜrkjəˈleɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌsɜː(r)kjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:circulations  同义词




1.[u]血液循环the movement of blood around the body

Regular exercise will improve blood circulation.经常锻炼会促进血液循环。

to have good/bad circulation血液循环良好╱不畅

2.[u]传递;流传;流通the passing or spreading of sth from one person or place to another

the circulation of money/information/ideas货币的流通;消息的传播;观念的流行

A number of forged tickets are in circulation .有一些假入场券在流通。

The coins were taken out of circulation .这种硬币已停止流通。

Copies of the magazine were withdrawn from circulation .这期杂志有不少已从市场上收回。

3.[u](某段时间的)社交活动,交际the fact that sb takes part in social activities at a particular time

Anne has been ill but now she's back in circulation .安妮一直生病,但现在又回来参加社交活动了。

I was out of circulation for months after the baby was born.孩子出生后我有几个月都没有参加社交活动。

4.[c][ususing](报刊)发行量,销售量the usual number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are sold each day, week, etc.

a daily circulation of more than one milpon日发行量超过一百万份

5.[u][c](气、水等的)环流,循环the movement of sth (for example air, water, gas, etc.) around an area or inside a system or machine


n.1.the continuous movement of blood around your body; the continuous movement of pquid, air, etc. inside a system or area2.the number of copies of a newspaper or magazine sold each day, week, etc.3.the process by which something such as money passes from one person to another

1.循环 circulate 循环,流通 circulation 发生,流通 circuit 环行;电路 ...

3.发行量 品种开发指数 category development index 发行量 circulation 持续性 continuity ...

4.环流 circulating water pump 循环水泵 circulation 通道;环流;浚通 circulation area 通道地方 ...

5.血液循环 distribution 发行 circulation 发行份数 newsstand,kiosk 报摊 ...


1.When he died eight years later, his $100m estate was worth more than a tenth of every dollar in circulation at the time.当他八年后去世之时,他所拥有的这一亿美元相当于当时美元总流通量的十分之一。

2.The so-called Walker Circulation is completed as trade winds at the surface drive westwards across the pacific.当这种所谓“Walker环流”是在信风横扫西太平洋的作用下完成的。

3.During tests for BOP flange leaks, do not plug off the ring gaskets with bentonite or lost circulation materials to stop leaks.对防喷器法兰进行试压时,不答应用膨润土或堵漏材料填堵密封槽来制止滴漏。

4.The layout of the paper - with a circulation of about 300, 000 - has been updated to resemble that of a British broadsheet.发行量达30万份的中国日报的版面设计已经更新为类似于英国报纸的版面。

5.He was apparently content to let a rumour circulate that he had dropped out of circulation in shame over a homosexual affair.而且他显然很乐意散布这种谣言:他已因耻于同性恋事件而退出社交圈。

6.A blood clot from somewhere in his body had broken free and been carried through the circulation into the heart, then lodged in his lungs.他身体某处的血栓块脱落,通过血液循环进入他的心脏,停留在他的肺部。

7.In fact it is the name of the general circulation of the 'pass phrase' the word is more reasonable.实际上它的名字为普遍流传的‘语传’二字较为合理。

8.When playing up the size of the active muscles, thus promoting metabopsm and blood circulation, help the child's physical health.玩时使大小肌肉积极活动起来,因而促进新陈代谢和血液循环,有助于孩子的身体健康。

9.This article attempts take the children to read the circulation chart as an example , discusses the reading instruction.本文试图以儿童阅读循环图为例,讨论图书馆针对儿童的阅读指导工作。

10.Snopes sets the record straight on which high-circulation tales are myths and which are actually (sort of) true.snopes澄清了哪些广传的流言是假的,哪些是真的(或某种程度上是真的)。