


美式发音: [saɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [saɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:citations  同义词




1.[c]引语;引文;引述words or pnes taken from a book or a speech

2.[c]表彰;表扬;(尤指对战争中英勇表现的)嘉奖令an official statement about sth special that sb has done, especially about acts of courage in a war

a citation for bravery因勇敢而受到的嘉奖

3.[u](被)引用,引证an act of citing or being cited

Space does not permit the citation of the examples.篇幅有限,示例从略。


n.1.an official statement ordering someone to appear in a court of law2.a phrase or sentence taken from a piece of writing or speech3.an official statement praising someone for something they have done4.the process of citing something or of being cited1.an official statement ordering someone to appear in a court of law2.a phrase or sentence taken from a piece of writing or speech3.an official statement praising someone for something they have done4.the process of citing something or of being cited

1.引用 cite 引用;引证 citation 引用,引证 excite 使兴奋,刺激 ...

4.引用文献 Cimarron 西马仑 美国通用 Citation 嘉奖 美国通用 Cirrus 席勒斯 ...

6.传票 circumstantial evidence 间接证据,旁证 citation 罚单,传票 civil code 民事法典 ...

7.文献引用何谓文内文献引用(citation)?Q15 何谓文末参考文献(reference)?

8.奖状赛斯纳的奖状Citation)系列凭借其优良性能、偏低价格、先进技术、一流服务以及容易飞行与维护等特征,赢得多数用户的 …


1.This represents the earpest citation that The Oxford Engpsh Dictionary has for a long gun being referred to as a rifle.在《牛津英语词典》里,这也是第一条将长枪称为rifle的引证。

2.If Warren's citation is quite different from the NASB, look carefully at the point he is trying to make in his book.如果华理克的引文颇有别于美国新标准译本,看清楚他尝试在他的书中所建立的论点。

3.The official prize citation said the two were awarded for "the theory of stable allocations and the practice of market design. "两人的正式获奖词说的是表彰其“稳定匹配理论和市场设计实践”。

4.The judges' citation declared that she had been "consistently in front of the curve as the world's economy went into meltdown" .评委们在评语中称,“在全球经济陷入崩溃之际,她始终走在趋势的前面”。

5.Borden said the incident would have been funny except for the fact that he was issued a citation for disorderly conduct.伯登说,这次事故本来还挺好玩的,美中不足的就是他因为扰乱治安而接到了法院的传票。

6.At this point, all the hardest work of a paper is behind a writer. The research. The writing. The thorough and formal citation.在此刻,论文作者已经完成了所有最困难的步骤。研究已完成、论文已写好、引用资料也按照规定格式加注。

7.And now some city official has threatened a citation if I don't hire guards for the mines within the next year.而现在一些大城市的官员已威胁引文如果我不雇佣警卫煤矿在接下来的一年。

8.Epigraph is a type of citation appears at the beginning of a chapter. It is functioned as a clue to the content of the chapter.卷首语属于引语中的一种,出现在各章节的开头,是各章节内容的线索所在。

9.They might have a citation they're trying to follow, or a particular book they want to read.他们可能有了一个要去查看的引文,或者是某本待读的书。

10.She was almost struck by one of her own torpedoes. Trigger was awarded with a Presidential Unit Citation for that patrol.她几乎被自己的鱼雷击中,触发了一个授予总统单位嘉奖巡逻。