

city hall

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复数:city halls  



1.市政府;市政厅the local government of a city and the offices it uses


n.1.the building where the officials who manage a city work; the officials who manage a city

1.市政厅 end up doing 造成某种状态的结果。 city-hall 市政厅。 spontaneous 自然的。 ...

2.纽约市市政厅从华埠搭乘地铁,一站路就到纽约市市政厅City-hall)。市政厅位于布鲁克林大桥(Brooklyn Bridge)一侧,是市长办公室和 …


1.The City Hall said it would hand the money to the Red Cross if it was not reclaimed within three months.市政府说,如果这笔钱三个月内还无人认领就将它捐给红十字会。

2.Bouquinistes have been invited to crisis talks at the city hall in an attempt to promote more intellectual merchandise.书摊的主人受邀到市政厅参加有关文化危机的讨论,试图促进他们引入更多和知识相关的商品。

3.Hire a professional photographer to come with you to city hall, then send out great pictures of the event with your wedding announcement.雇一个专业摄影师跟着你们到市政厅,然后把大幅照片连带着结婚请帖派发出去。

4.See how much of the rectangles they occupy are filled by these 2 logos. The City Hall records logo is even bigger than its bounds.看看矩形他们占据大部分是由这些标志2。大会堂记录标志甚至比它的范围更大。

5.How they ended up underground near City Hall is still a mystery; it seems to involve an Oskar Schindler-pke hero.他们如何在市政厅眼皮底下完成了地下活动仍旧是个谜。这似乎与奥斯卡·辛德勒那样的英雄有关。

6.But what's also just as important are that the funds that come from the transaction are going to help offset the cost of the new city hall.同等重要的是,此次交易的资金将会抵消新建市政厅的费用。

7.Until the day before yesterday, she found something of Hitachi City Hall staff, only fix the toilet.直到前天,她找到日立市事役所工作人员,才修好厕所。

8.City Hall chiefs have called on top phone companies to help crack down on prostitution and trafficking in the lead up to the sporting event.市政厅官员呼吁国内几大手机运营商在奥运会筹备期间帮助打击卖淫和性掮客。

9.Modern China's wealth to the eminent artistic taste may be, but since the great, great, haven't seen a higher penmanship at City Hall.中国近代富于艺术情趣的高僧大德可能不少,但自弘一、太虚之后,似乎还没看到有较高书法造诣者。

10.Depa: But she did and she won. We were watching it on a big screen outside city hall.迪莉娅:但她进入决赛,而且获胜。我们在镇公所外的大屏幕上看比赛。