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网络释义:糖尿病肾病(diabetic nephropathy);公称通径;龙之谷(Dragon Nest)



1.糖尿病肾病(diabetic nephropathy)糖尿病肾病DN)是指与糖尿病代谢异常有关的肾小球硬化症,属糖尿病全身性微血管病变范畴,是一种临床常见的继发性肾 …

2.公称通径磅级公称通径DN)主要连接尺寸)(mm)J41外形尺寸重量(kg)in mmLDD1D2bfz-φdH(全开)D0150Lb2.0MPa(10K…

3.龙之谷(Dragon Nest)龙之谷DN)是由盛大游戏旗下韩国Eyedentity Games公司开发的一款3DMMORPG。游戏以九条龙争霸的幻想世界为背景, …

4.可分辨名称(distinguished name)可分辨名称 (DN) 发生更改,其中包括用户帐户所在的 AD DS 的组织单位 (OU) 容器中的更改。例如,如果用户的可分辨名称 …

5.可分辨的名称但是的可分辨的名称 (dn) 和组织名称中,该目录尝试将转换已经转换的数据。目录损坏了的筛选器、 第二个搜索未找到任何的 …


1.It is assumed that the "manager" attribute of every person contains the dn value of her manager.假设每个人员的“manager”属性包含其管理员的dn值。

2.LDAP uses the concept of a distinguished name (DN) to identify the particular nodes in an LDAP tree.LDAP使用专有名称(DN)的概念来识别LDAP树上特定的节点。

3.The requirement is to universally revoke access for that specific certificate, but not necessarily for the DN associated with it.要求是统一撤销对该特定证书的访问权,但不必对与其关联的DN这样做。

4.As you move down the tree of nodes, the DN of each parent nodes is included in the DN of its child nodes.当向下移动节点树时,每个父节点的DN被包含在其子节点的DN中。

5.Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N. Y. ), one of the loudest prognosticators of a coming shut down, followed with bravado.参议员舒默(DN.Y.),也是预言政府关闭最响亮的一个人,他随后便销声匿迹了。

6.A base DN can have its own filter and scope, which might be different from its peer base DNs.基本DN可以具有自己的筛选器和范围,并且可以与其同等的基本DN有所不同。

7.It is perfectly vapd for two or more certificate authorities to issue certificates with the same DN component.两个或多个证书机构使用相同的DN元素是完全有效的。

8.This parameter is used to check the Distinguished Name (DN) of the certificate from the cpent at the other end of a WebSphere MQ channel.该参数用于检查来自位于WebSphereMQ通道另一端的客户端的证书专有名称(DN)。

9.If any of the DN patterns works, the user is said to be bound with the LDAP directory and the authenticator moves on to Step 15.如果其中任何一个DN模式可行的话,用户被绑定到LDAP目录中,authenticator将继续执行步骤15。

10.Use of a CRL is still mandatory to handle compromised certificates, but it is of very pmited use in removing a DN from the match pool.虽然仍需要强制使用CRL来处理被破坏的证书,但是在用于从匹配池中删除DN时会受到很大限制。