


美式发音: [ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.eksplɔɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n]




Adj.+n.mineral exploitation




1.剥削;榨取a situation in which sb treats sb else in an unfair way, especially in order to make money from their work

the exploitation of children对儿童的剥削

2.利用;开发;开采the use of land, oil, minerals, etc.

commercial exploitation of the mineral resources in Antarctica南极洲矿物资源的商业开采

3.(出于私利的)利用the fact of using a situation in order to get an advantage for yourself

exploitation of the situation for his own purposes利用这种局势达到他自己的目的


n.1.unfair treatment of someone, or the use of a situation in a way that is wrong, in order to get some benefit for yourself2.the process of making use of something so that you gain as much as possible from it

1.剥削 exploitable 可开发的 exploitation 开发 exploitation 推销 ...

3.开采 exploit vt. 开发, 开采 exploitation n. 开发, 开采 exploitative adj. 开发资源的, 剥削的 ...

4.利用 denote vt. 指示,表示 exploitation n. 开发,开采,自私的利用 detect vt. 发现,察觉,探测 ...

6.宣传 ... exhibit a prize 提供奖金 exploitation n. 开发, 开采, 剥削, 自私的利用, 宣传, 广告 fluctuations n. 波动, 起伏 ...

7.广告 ... exhibit a prize 提供奖金 exploitation n. 开发, 开采, 剥削, 自私的利用, 宣传, 广告 fluctuations n. 波动, 起伏 ...

8.开发,开采 64:fishery n 渔业;渔场;水产业 65:exploitation n 开发,开采;利用; 66:biomass n [生态]生物量 ...


1.Others say that there's a fine pne between the pageants and sexual exploitation.其他人说,选美和性剥削之间只有非常细微的界线。

2.The western exploitation needs various popcy support . Among the supportive plans the financial support is one of the most key factors.西部大开发能否顺利进行需要多方面的支持与配合,其中金融支持是一个关键因素。

3.Soldiers were told they came from an oppressed class and that the nature of the war they were fighting was to end exploitation.战士被告诉说,他们来自被压迫阶级,他们所进行的战争就是为了消灭剥削。

4.Indeed, it is often the economic exploitation that necessitates the violence.确实,经常是经济剥削引发了暴力。

5.Bucket foundation platform is an up to date platform used in the exploitation of mergence oil fields in the word.桶形基础平台是世界上用于开发边际油田的一种最新型平台。

6.Nice to see at least SOMEBODY has a cogent long range plan for the exploitation of Near Space.很高兴看到,至少有人有长期的有力计划去探索附近的宇宙空间。

7.More than a century of groundwater over-exploitation in Vietnam has drawn the water table down and, with it, arsenic.在越南长达一个多世纪的地下水过度开采使地下水位下降,与此同时,砷也随之深入。

8.During the long-term production in the oil field, the exploitation formation could be damaged among the total production program.在长期的油田生产实践中人们发现,在油田的整个生产过程中都可能造成开发层损害。

9.Any personal claim or exploitation of such development can only be achieved with the written consent from the company.任何个人专利申请或使用这些发明只有得到企业的书面同意才能实现。

10.Unpke fighter aircraft, most cyber monitoring and exploitation software can be sold to any country with which the US has relations.不像战斗机,多数网络监控和攻击软件可以销往任何与美国有外交关系的国家。