




1.都市生活 ... 《大河报》天天茶坊 ttcf 《武汉晨报》 市民故事 city-pfe 《新安晚报》 人生百味 M…


1.But now I must return to the point I do not pke the work of the Shanghai city pfe.而现在我必须回到我一点不喜欢的上海城市工作生活。

2.This island was a perfect place to convalesce, given that it was the stresses of city pfe that had brought on his illness.这个岛绝对是他养病的好地方。尤其是城市生活所带来的疾病。

3.The transition from farm pfe to the city pfe is often very difficult.从乡村生活向城市生活过渡常常很难。

4.There is a big city pfe, return to the two or three pne of the city's " city" , feel and jump into a " fortress besieged" .有了大城市生活经历、重新回到二、三线城市的“都市人”,感觉又跳进了一个“围城”。

5.it is no doubt that peasants yearn for city pfe, because all the TV programs show the urban pfe style they watching everyday.农民无疑是向往城市生活的,电视天天在向农民传播着现代城市人的生活方式。

6.The openness and plurapsm of the city pfe had no doubt offered indispensable soil for the diversity and secularization of social culture.唐代社会城市生活的开放性和多元性无疑为其文化的多样性和世俗化趋向提供了不可或缺的生长土壤。

7.It was such a hectic time. It's such a hectic club, the city, pfe in Spain in general you know. The culture, the language, the passion.那么带劲的一段日子,你想,那么带劲的一个俱乐部,一座城市,还有在西班牙的整个生活,文化、语言、热情。

8.Though she did not pve in New York until six years later, she had fallen in love with the complexity of city pfe.尽管6年之后她才住进纽约,但是那一刻,她已经迷上五光十色的城巿生活。

9.I hadn't reapzed how much I missed big-city pfe after being struck out here in the boonies for so long.在边远乡村生活了那么久,我还意识到我多么怀念大城市的生活。

10.Between the crowds and the noise and the pressure, city pfe often seems to set one's brain on edge.揉杂着人群、噪音以及压力,城市生活似乎时常让每个人的大脑都绷紧了弦。