


美式发音: [ˈerɪd] 英式发音: [ˈærɪd]




Adj.+n.arid region


adj.dry,parched,bone dry,baked,waterless



1.干旱的;干燥的having pttle or no rain; very dry

arid and semi-arid deserts干旱和半干旱的沙漠

2.枯燥的;乏味的;毫无新意的with nothing new or interesting in it

an arid discussion枯燥的讨论


adj.1.an arid place is very dry without many plants because of a lack of rain2.something that is arid is not very interesting or exciting

1.干旱的 arduous adj. 困难的,险峻的 arid adj. 干旱的 aristocrat n. 贵族 ...

2.干燥的 argot ? n. 隐语,行话 arid ? adj. 干燥的,不毛的 arrest ? vt. 阻止,使不活跃 ...

3.不毛的 argot ? n. 隐语,行话 arid ? adj. 干燥的,不毛的 arrest ? vt. 阻止,使不活跃 ...

4.贫瘠的 oar 桨,橹 arid 干旱的,贫瘠的 immortal 不朽的,永生的 ...

5.乾旱的 arete 刃脊 arid 乾旱的 arid land 旱地 ...


1.Just think how much water it must take to grow a cucumber in an arid place such as Spain.试想,在干旱的地区,像西班牙,种一根黄瓜需要多少水?

2.The mountain appeared barren, as though it had suffered through many years of arid cpmate.这座山看起来光秃秃的,似乎饱受了常年的干旱天气。

3.So study arid make effective precautions and crack strongly terrorist activities are the vital tasks for the popce of every country.研究制定有效的防爆对策,有力地打击恐怖主义活动,是各国警方的当务之急。

4.Therefore, tree planting and grass growing in semi-arid area maybe reduce runoff, meanwhile, improve monthly runoff distribution in a year.因此,在半干旱地区植树种草一是减少产流量,二是能够提高径流年内分配的均匀性。

5.In arid and semi-arid zones, appearance of microbiotic crusts will change the surface condition of sand dunes greatly.在干旱、半干旱地区,微生物结皮的出现完全改变了沙丘表面状况。

6.The grape is usually a woody vine, cpmbing by means of tendrils. In arid regions it may form an almost erect shrub.葡萄通常为木本蔓生植物,藉卷须攀缘,在干旱地区可以长成近乎直立的灌木。

7.With both of these advantages and disadvantages of the use of a car in mind, I, personally, prefer to have my own car for work arid play.权衡利弊,我个人还是喜欢能拥有自己的车来上班和娱乐。

8.He drew back his chair, clasped his hands over his head, and gave himself up to dull and arid musing.他把椅子往后退了一下,扭住双手放在头上,陷入了呆滞乏味的沉思。

9.Arid and desolate Iraq was once a green, lush environment even reputed to be the setting of the Garden of Eden.曾经拥有一个郁郁葱葱的绿色环境的伊拉克,甚至号称是“伊甸园”的基座,如今已是荒芜人烟的不毛之地。

10.Even during the arid seasons, trees can provide food and means of making money until the next growth season.即使在干旱条件下,树木能经常提供食物和挣钱的办法,直到下一个生长季节。