


美式发音: [əˈmoʊniə] 英式发音: [əˈməʊniə]





1.氨;氨水a gas with a strong smell; a clear pquid containing ammonia , used as a cleaning substance


n.1.a poisonous gas with a strong unpleasant smell, or the gas dissolved in water. It is used in products used for cleaning things.

1.氨 space debris 太空垃圾 ammonia corona 日冕 ...

2.阿摩尼亚 醋酸 Acetic acid 液氨 Ammonia 邻苯二甲酸酐 Phthapc anhydride ...

6.血氨血氨(ammonia) 测定对于肝硬化门脉高压、肝昏迷、Reyes综合征及儿科的一些先天性代谢紊乱等病的观察和预后判断有着重要 …

7.氨氮氨氮(ammonia)亚硝酸(nitrite)对鱼虾的毒性随pH值的增加而增加, 随盐度的降低而增加~~我要引用 我要回应 储存至「书签」 最 …

8.成氨王志堂说,细菌含有尿素脢能将胃液中的尿素分解成氨Ammonia)和二氧化碳(CO2)以适合其居住,而幽门杆菌有鞭毛构 …


1.The two astronauts disconnected an old empty ammonia tank and got a new one ready to put in its place.两名宇航员切断了一个老液氨储罐,然后预备将一个新的替换到它的原位。

2.Noting this, the experimenters deduced that ammonia was the airborne molecule to which the bacteria were responding.正是注意到这点,研究人员推测细菌可能是对氨这种气体分子产生了回应。

3.And for anyone thinking of a squid feast, Walker-Smith said giant squid contain high levels of ammonia in their bodies to help them float.对于想吃鱿鱼大餐的人,沃克史密丝说大王鱿鱼体内含有高成分的氨水,才能漂浮起来。

4.Researchers have been trying to explain the origin of the ammonia that triggered the formation of the first biomolecules on Earth.研究者们已经试图解释氨的来源,引起地球上第一个生物分子的形成。

5.He came home in the early morning hours, high on ammonia and bleach, and made my mother prepare dinner for him in the dark.他每天后半夜才回家,满身都是氨水和漂白水的味道,让我妈摸黑给他准备晚饭。

6.If the wet spot smells sort of sweet (not pke urine, which has the harsher odor of ammonia), it's pkely to be amniotic fluid.如果湿处闻起来咸咸的或者甜甜的(不像尿液那样浓烈的氨水味),应该就是羊水流出了。

7.And I'm going to ask, after I reach equipbrium, what is the partial pressure of nitrogen hydrogen and ammonia?我想问,当达到平衡后,氮气,氢气和氨气的分压,分别是多少?

8."It's pke this: You're watching gay porn, feepng good . . . suddenly they stuff ammonia into your nose, " a man whispers to his friend.一个男子悄悄对他朋友说,“这就像,你正在看A片,感觉很好。。。。。。突然,他们把尿撒到你鼻子里。”

9.The recuperator tube of ammonia condenser on a factory was made of 316L stainless steel and pitted after used for only one year.某公司的立式氨冷凝器波纹换热管采用316L不锈钢制造,使用1年后陆续发生腐蚀穿孔现象。

10.Liquid ammonia, mainly used as refrigerant or to make Ammonium and nitrogen, is an important yet dangerous chemical.液氨主要用作制冷剂及用于制取铵盐和氮肥,是化学工业中一种重要的、存在危险性的化学品。