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第三人称单数:clamps  现在分词:clamping  过去式:clamped  搭配同义词

v.+n.clamp pd


n.wheel clamp,lock,immobipzer,Denver boot


v.1.(用夹钳等)夹紧,夹住;(用轮卡)锁住(违犯泊车规定的汽车)2.叭哒叭哒地行走,脚步很重地走3.把(砖等)堆高 (up);堆存


v.1.to put or hold something firmly in position; if something clamps to, around, or on another thing, it attaches itself there firmly2.to hold two things together using a clamp3.to put a piece of equipment on a wheel of a car to stop it being moved because it is illegally parked

n.1.a tool used for holding or fastening two things together firmly2.a denver boot

1.箝位 Chip yield 芯片成品率 Clamped 箝位 Clamping diode 箝位二极管 ...

2.夹具式 Linear 直线式 Clamped 夹具式 Stepped 台阶式 ...

3.钳制乘(Dot-Product)两个矢量N和L[译者:就是两个矢量的乘积]。点乘(Dot-Product)范围在-1到1之间,当它小于零时结果往 …

5.夹具式曲线 ... Linear( 线性曲线) 82 Clamped( 夹具式曲线) 82 Stepped( 阶梯式曲线) 82 ...

6.夹住 clammy 冷湿的, 冷粘的 clamped 夹子, 螺丝钳 clan 氏族, 宗族, 党派 ...


1.Mint seems to relax the muscle that keeps the valve at the top of the stomach clamped down, increasing the odds of reflux.尽管薄荷糖看起来能够放松肌肉,保持胃部顶端的阀门关闭,增加回流的几率。

2.Hagrid rolled up the note, gave it to the owl, which clamped it in its beak, went to the door, and threw the owl out into the storm.海格把纸条卷起来,让那只猫头鹰用嘴叼着,接着走向房门,便把它放飞在暴风雨中。

3.The utipty model relates to a pair of improved forceps, particularly a pair of forceps with the function of rotating a clamped object.本实用新型涉及一种改造后的镊子,特别是一种可以使所夹持物转动的镊子。

4.Over the last three decades, the party has enacted a broad array of economic reforms, even as it has clamped down hard on dissent.在过去的三十年里,档制定了一系列更为广泛的经济改革政策,但对义见者采取了更为强烈的打压。

5.He said his lenders have also clamped down on his spending and cut his salary in half.他说,他的贷方还导致他的开销受到压制,他的薪水减半。

6.In the run-up to the 2008 Olympics and during the Games, officials clamped down on indoor smoking in Beijing.在2008年北京奥运会前夕以及赛会期间,官员们在北京对室内吸烟进行了大力整治。

7.How is the lamp to electrically connect, it means which colour of the conductor shall be clamped with which clamp of the terminal.灯泡是怎么样接电的,意思是说哪种颜色的导线应夹接在哪个对应的接线端。

8.The Libyan leader's regime clamped down in its stronghold in the capital, where residents said food prices have skyrocketed.卡扎菲政权在大本营的黎波里采取了严厉措施,那里的居民说,食物价格已经飞涨。

9.A tougher editor might have clamped down on some of Mr Bryson's lazy habits, such as the tiresome re-use of the phrase "very real" .严厉的编辑有可能会揪住布莱森先生的一些懒习惯,譬如“很真实”这短语的重复使用就挺烦人的。

10.He tried to sidle back over to the Weasleys, but Lockhart threw an arm around his shoulders and clamped him tightly to his side.他想溜回韦斯莱一家那里,可洛哈特的一只胳膊还搭在他肩上,把他牢牢夹在身边。