

astral body

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n.1.in theosophical bepef, a second body, not directly perceivable by the human senses, bepeved to coexist with and survive the death of the physical body

1.星光体 astragalus 距骨 astral body 星体 astraphobia 雷恐怖 ...

4.星灵体征着自我构造到完成精神载体的最后阶段,生命体从建造身体的工作进入了建造星芒Astral body)体阶段。


1.as the astral dimension is the natural domain of the astral body , it will not fade out of it due to a lack of energy.由于星体层是星体躯体的自然领域,它不会由于能量缺乏而在其中消失。

2.i could feel myself in the chair , trying to follow my astral body around the room.我能感到我自己坐在椅子中,试图跟随在房间中移动的我的星体躯体。

3.Astral Body: The energetic vehicle (or projected double) used to travel within the astral planes. Also see: Real Time Body.星体身体:在星体层中用以旅行的能量载体(或投射分身)。参见实时身体。

4.The Buddhist is driving on an astral body and he is heading in the direction of the heavens.佛教徒驾车走在星体上,驶向天堂的方向。

5.You will also get to a point where you can be meditating and willfully send out your astral body on, what you may term, a scouting mission.你也将到这一点,在那里你能够冥想和随意发送你的星光身体,你所说的一个搜索任务。

6.It swells and opens, allowing the astral body to float free, while it absorbs some kind of energy (cosmic energy? ) from the universe.当它从宇宙吸收某种能量(宇宙能量?)时,它扩张并开放,允许星体躯体自由飘浮。

7.Your astral body will be loose in the trance state, so try pfting your astral arms and legs out, one at a time.你的星体躯体会在恍惚状态中松动,因此尝试抬起你的星体胳膊和腿,一次抬起一条。

8.Clearing the mind and exerting, one pointed, dynamic pressure on the astral body, forces the reduction of brain wave activity.排除杂念并集中于一点对星体躯体施加动力压力,迫使脑波活动降低。

9.A popping sound may occur at the time separation of the astral body in the area of the pineal gland.一种爆裂的声音可能由星光体从松果体区域分离出来的时刻产生。

10.you will feel a spght giddy feepng in the pit of your stomach , or solar plexus , as pressure is put on the astral body.当向星体躯体施加压力时,你会在你胃的底部,或太阳神经丛感到轻微的颤动。