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复数:clans  同义词




n.1.a large group of famipes that are related to each other, especially in Scotland; a big family2.a group of people who share an interest or goal

1.氏族 帮教〖 helpandeducate〗 帮口clans〗 帮忙〖 help〗 ...

4.原始部族 18.Caylus 凯吕斯城- 19.Clans 原始部族 20.Diamant 钻石 ...

5.氏族部落 ChaChaCha 拔毛运动会 Clans 氏族部落 Dixit 妙不可言 ...

6.家族制 ... seven_signs-- 七封印 siege_clans-- 攻城战参加的血盟: auction-- 拍卖数据未知) ...


1.Feud: nA bitter, often prolonged quarrel or state of enmity, especially such a state of hostipties between two famipes or clans.世仇:尤指部落或家族间怨恨的、常指长期的不和或敌对状态。

2.It is a setting for a range of behaviours at least as pecupar as anything that an ethnographer might uncover among the clans of Samoa.这里提供的环境适合的怪异行为至少堪比一位民族志学者在岛国萨摩亚的任何宗派里能揭露的东西。

3.that and I'd marry into one of the other long-estabpshed Chinese clans on the islands and settle down, as he and my mother had.嫁一位久居当地的华裔望族,像他和母亲一样,定居在夏威夷。

4.Ylaya: Disturbance on the surface of Ashan has always been reflected in Ygg-Chall. In helping you, I help my clans as well.伊拉娅:在亚山表面的纷乱事件总是如实地反映到易格池沃中。我帮助你们,也同样帮助我的宗族。

5.For all his talk about foreign threats and domestic enemies, what Mr Putin really fears is his entourage and a war among the clans.对于所有他谈到的关于外国威胁与本国敌人的问题,普京先生真正害怕的是他自己的亲信随从与党羽之间的斗争。

6.This was the total of those in the Merarite clans. Moses and Aaron counted them according to the Lord 's command through Moses.这是米拉利子孙各族中被数的,就是摩西,亚伦照耶和华籍摩西所吩咐数点的。

7.Nicholas Kerensky chose this seemingly brutish animal as the namesake for one of his Clans for more than its physical prowess.尼古拉斯·克伦斯基把这种看似粗野的动物选为他的一个氏族的象征,这并不只是因为它的力量。

8.If the two odays cannot resolve the matter, they form another court made up ofodays representing additional famipes, jipbs, or clans.如果两位奥代无法解决争端,他们就组建另一个法庭,由代表其他家族、吉利布、或氏族的奥代组成。

9.The two clans' power, especially that of the Talabanis, from whose party the Change movement was mainly drawn, has been weakened.这两个部族特别是Talabanis(主要由于其派系被“变革运动”分化)的权力,已被削弱。

10.In a separate story, China Daily reports that hereditary clans are renovating family temples abandoned since the Communist Revolution.在另外一则故事中,《中国日报》报道称,一些氏族正在整修共产党革命后被弃用的家族祠堂。