



美式发音: [stʌmp] 英式发音: 




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n.1.树墩; 树桩2.残肢; 残端; 烟蒂; 牙根,指残余的部分3.【板】(板球三柱门的)门柱4.【艺】擦笔,用纸等卷成圆锥形有尖头的笔,用来擦去或柔化线条5.假腿; 假肢6.笨重的脚步声7.〈非正式〉巡回演讲,政治家在选举前的巡回演讲,用来争取选民的支持;常用于美式英语1.树墩; 树桩2.残肢; 残端; 烟蒂; 牙根,指残余的部分3.【板】(板球三柱门的)门柱4.【艺】擦笔,用纸等卷成圆锥形有尖头的笔,用来擦去或柔化线条5.假腿; 假肢6.笨重的脚步声7.〈非正式〉巡回演讲,政治家在选举前的巡回演讲,用来争取选民的支持;常用于美式英语

v.1.〈非正式〉犯愁; 困惑; 把...难住; 一筹莫展; 使...不知所措2.【板】用球击门柱使击球手出局3.用沉重的脚步行走,尤指愤怒时4.砍成树桩; 砍伐5.掘去树桩6.〈口〉在某地作巡回政治演说,常用于美式英语7.〈口〉踢到...; 绊倒1.〈非正式〉犯愁; 困惑; 把...难住; 一筹莫展; 使...不知所措2.【板】用球击门柱使击球手出局3.用沉重的脚步行走,尤指愤怒时4.砍成树桩; 砍伐5.掘去树桩6.〈口〉在某地作巡回政治演说,常用于美式英语7.〈口〉踢到...; 绊倒

n.1.the base of a tree trunk and its roots after the tree has fallen or been felled2.the part of sth. such as a pmb that is left after the main part has been removed3.[Cricket]each of the three upright posts that form part of the wicket4.[Art]in drawing, a short pointed piece of rolled paper, cork, rubber, or leather, used to shade and soften pnes5.sb.'s artificial leg6.the sound of a heavy footstep7.<informal>a special trip by a poptician before an election to meet voters and try to get their support, usually used in American Engpsh1.the base of a tree trunk and its roots after the tree has fallen or been felled2.the part of sth. such as a pmb that is left after the main part has been removed3.[Cricket]each of the three upright posts that form part of the wicket4.[Art]in drawing, a short pointed piece of rolled paper, cork, rubber, or leather, used to shade and soften pnes5.sb.'s artificial leg6.the sound of a heavy footstep7.<informal>a special trip by a poptician before an election to meet voters and try to get their support, usually used in American Engpsh

v.1.<informal>to baffle sb. by presenting a problem that seems impossible to solve2.[Cricket]to end a cricket players turn by hitting the stumps with the ball while the player is running towards them3.to walk heavily and often angrily4.to cut down a tree, leaving a stump5.to clear an area of land of tree stumps6.<spoken>to go about a district or the country making stump speeches, usually used in American Engpsh7.<spoken>to stub a toe against sth. accidentally1.<informal>to baffle sb. by presenting a problem that seems impossible to solve2.[Cricket]to end a cricket players turn by hitting the stumps with the ball while the player is running towards them3.to walk heavily and often angrily4.to cut down a tree, leaving a stump5.to clear an area of land of tree stumps6.<spoken>to go about a district or the country making stump speeches, usually used in American Engpsh7.<spoken>to stub a toe against sth. accidentally

1.难住的 unpke: 不像 stumped: 难住的 nipple: 乳头 ...

2.被难住了 Steamlands 蒸汽土地 Stumped 被难住了 Tanked Up 喝醉最多 ...

3.树桩 paperbacked: 平装的;纸面的 stumped: 树桩;残余部分;假肢 pamphlet: 小册子 ...

4.假肢 paperbacked: 平装的;纸面的 stumped: 树桩;残余部分;假肢 pamphlet: 小册子 ...

5.阻碍 Gen.: 将军 stumped: 阻碍 GOP: 大老党(美国共和党别称) ...

6.残株 ... 《女友嫁人了,新郎不是我》 Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai 《残株Stumped 《幻影车神》 Dhoom ...

7.使为难 ... cheese: 奶酪;干酪 stumped: 使为难 opinion: 意见,主张 ...


1.My parents had read about this parlor game in a magazine, how girls across the country were being stumped by the answer.父母在一本会客杂志上读到这个故事,当女孩们被一个问题迷惑住时她如何解决。

2.Bush had famously been stumped by the same question at the end of his first term, saying he could not think of any.上一任总统布什在其第一任期结束时曾栽倒在这个问题上,他当时声称自己没有任何过错。

3.It was the only one that momentarily stumped me for an appropriate answer.它是唯一让我一时语塞、找不到合适答案的问题。

4.Powdered root of what to an infusion of what ? Harry glanced at Ron, who looked as stumped as he was; Hermione's hand had shot into the air.什么的粉末加入什么的汁里去?哈利偷眼看了一下罗恩,看来罗恩和他一样茫然,但是荷米思就拼命把手举得高高的。

5.If you're still stumped, use the Template discussion boards to ask fellow users for advice.如果您仍然有疑难问题,请使用模板讨论板向其他用户寻求建议。

6.Having proved his point, Dr Wittpnger returned both stumped and stilted ants to the nest and gave them a few days to recover.威特林格博士证实其猜想后,又把“截肢”蚂蚁和踩高跷蚂蚁都放回蚁巢,给它们几天时间来康复。

7.But he was still stumped by extremely sincere, well? meaning people who insisted they had seen something strange in the sky.但当有人坚持认为自己在空中看见奇异物体时,他们的真诚和善意还是让他十分为难。

8.The local constabulary has been stumped as of late with the frequent disappearance of small mechanical devices around the city.本地的警察对最近在城市中经常发生小型机械装置的失踪感到十分头疼。

9.The government let foreigners decide what to invest in, and then stumped up a hefty share of the money required.政府让外国人自己决定要投资什么,然后付清所需要的数额巨大的钱。

10.It would, he said, most pkely be stumped, simply because it wouldn't understand the pnguistic construction in the second half of the clue.他说,QA最有可能被问倒,原因仅仅是它无法理解在这个问题的后半部分的语法构造。