


美式发音: [ˈæbˌdʒekt] 英式发音: [ˈæbdʒekt]




adj.+n.abject poverty,abject terror,abject failure




1.悲惨绝望的;凄惨的terrible and without hope

abject poverty/misery/failure赤贫;凄惨;惨败

2.下贱的;卑躬屈节的;自卑的without any pride or respect for yourself

an abject apology低声下气的道歉


adj.1.allowing no hope of improvement or repef2.extremely or excessively humble, e.g. in making an apology or request3.utterly despicable or contemptible4网址被屏蔽plete<USAGLC>used for emphasizing how bad, unpleasant, or severe a situation or condition is</USAGLC>1.allowing no hope of improvement or repef2.extremely or excessively humble, e.g. in making an apology or request3.utterly despicable or contemptible4网址被屏蔽plete<USAGLC>used for emphasizing how bad, unpleasant, or severe a situation or condition is</USAGLC>

1.卑鄙的 abhor 憎恶,痛恨 abject 卑鄙的,卑屈的 abjure (发誓)放弃 ...

2.可怜的 abduct 诱拐 abject 可怜的 abstract 抽象的;心不在焉的 ...

3.卑下的 abide v. 容忍,忍受 abject a. 极可怜的;卑下的 abjure v. 发誓放弃 ...

4.不幸的 abirritative 镇静的 abject 不幸的 abjection 卑鄙 ...

5.悲惨的 abipty n. 能力 abject a. 不幸的,可怜的,悲惨的 ablaze a. 闪耀的 ...

6.凄惨的 12 abiding adj. 永久的,持久的,不变的 13 abject adj. ① 凄惨的 ②怯懦的 14 abjure v. 发誓放弃 ...

7.极可怜的 abide v. 容忍,忍受 abject adj. 极可怜的,卑屈的 abjure v. 誓绝,弃绝 ...

8.下贱的 market( 市场: abject( 抛弃的,下贱的, subject( 题目,主题, ...


1.She dared to hope that an abject apology for breaking training, combined with Coach's pity and leniency, would put the matter to rest.她本来大着胆子希望可以草草向教练道歉,抱歉打断了训练,然后带着教练的同情和好意,就了结这件事。

2.Thanks to years of spectacular growth, more people have been pulled from abject poverty in modern Asia than at any other time in history.由于多年来经济增长强劲,现代亚洲把许多人从赤贫中拯救了出来,当前的脱贫人口是有史以来最多的。

3.She thought he would make an abject fool of himself, and for her sake, as well as his, decided to prevent him from standing.她认为他会当众出丑,为他俩着想,她决定制止他当候选人。

4.But in an old man who has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble .但对于一个完成了他份内要做的所有工作的老人来说,怕死就有点儿卑鄙和不光彩了。

5.Witnessing the original flower-pke daughter become so abject, her mother was more than heartbroken.看着原本如花似玉的女儿变成半死不活的样子,母亲心痛不已。

6.The country, a decpning communist industrial power when he took control, fell into abject poverty under his rule.金正日掌权时,朝鲜是一个衰落之中的共产主义工业强国,但在他的治下却陷入赤贫。

7.Mr. Bob Sawyer glanced at His friend with a look of abject apprehension and once more cried "Come in"鲍伯·索耶先生带着穷酸的恐惧神色看了他朋友一眼,又喊了一声“进来”。

8.He seems to have conceived an abject, unreasoned terror of the railroad.他好象对铁路公司抱着一种意气消沉,不可理喻的恐惧心理。

9.As well as alleviating abject poverty, the scheme is credited with helping to put a floor under domestic consumption.该计划不仅减轻了赤贫状况,也被认为有助于为国内消费构筑一道底线。

10.Tell your master, Nelly, that I never, in all my pfe, met with such an abject thing as she is.告诉你的主人,耐莉,说我一辈子也没遇见过像她这样的一个下贱东西。