


美式发音: [kɪrʃ] 英式发音: [kɪə(r)ʃ]






1.樱桃白兰地;樱桃酒a strong alcohopc drink made from cherries


n.1.a strong alcohopc drink made from cherries

1.樱桃酒 酸梅汤 plum juice 樱桃酒 kirsch 雪利酒 sherry ...

2.樱桃白兰地 义大利樱桃香甜酒 Maraschino 德国樱桃香甜酒 Kirsch 黑醋栗香甜酒 Cre'me de Cassis ...

6.基尔施 ... 基尔施 Kilsch 基尔施 Kirsch 基尔施托伊尔 Kirsteuer ...

7.基尔希 ... 基尔希 Kirch 基尔希 Kirsch 基尔希 Kirsh ...


1.Now, do you think you could go you know, and get to the kitchen on most hotels and say "I want my David Kirsch super wellness shake" ?现在,你认为你会去,你知道,到大多数酒店的厨房说:“我想要大卫•科西的超级健康奶昔?”

2.Mr. Kirsch, having lost all his money by this time, followed his master out into the moonpght, where the illuminations were winking out.基希先生这时输的两手空空,便跟着主人走出屋来,月光下彩灯闪闪烁烁,渐渐熄灭

3.There have been criticisms of the grant to New Profit because its founder, Vanessa Kirsch, once hired Michelle Obama.对于“新利益”公司获得嘉奖一事,人们也曾有过指责,因为其创始人瓦内萨基尔希,曾经是米切尔奥巴马的雇主。

4.Ultimately, says David Kirsch of PFC Energy, a consultancy, there is only one type of customer for crude: refineries.说到底,PFC能源咨询公司的戴维·克里斯科得出一个结论,原油的消费者只有一类:炼油厂。

5.Even worse, certain volunteers have required emergency intervention themselves, Kirsch noted.更糟糕的是,一些自愿者本身就要求紧急救助,Kirsch着重指出。

6.The first image ever scanned on this machine was a 5 cm square photograph of Kirsch's then-three-month-old son, Walden.有史以来的第一个图像扫描本机上是一个5厘米见方的照片基尔希当时的3个月大的儿子,华登科。

7.Gently warm gin, add apricot brandy, sugar syrup, &almond spvers . Chill. Pour. Add vermouth and Kirsch. Stir.缓缓倒入金酒,加入性子白兰地,甜糖浆,冰过的杏仁力娇酒,加入苦艾和酸樱桃,搅合。

8.Randel Kirsch, who plays bass for the Beach Boys Family and Friends, had watched the entire Concert.音乐会中为海滩男孩家族朋友表演低音的蓝道克许从头到尾欣赏了整场的音乐会。

9.Moderate tannins structure combined with intense black berry, kirsch and spicy fruits.丹宁适中,充满浓郁的黑浆果、樱桃和香料果实口感。

10.It was built in 1957 at the US National Bureau of Standards by a team led by Russell Kirsch.它建于1957年在美国国家标准局的领导的一个研究小组的罗素基尔希。