




1.维管束tem cuttings) • 茎插穗不定根通常与维管束鞘(vascular bundles)相連侧生,而 茎插穗则多 从形成层的年轻韧皮部薄壁细胞(par…


1.Vein One of the vascular bundles in a leaf. The pattern in which the veins are arranged in a leaf is called the VENATION.叶片中的维管束结构。在叶片中,所有叶脉排列的方式称脉络。

2.The number of vascular bundles of each floret in spikelet decrease with the rising of floret position.小穗上各位小花维管束数目随小花位上升而递减。

3.The vascular bundles of the stem are arranged in a ring within a single endodermis and pericycle, giving a eustele.茎内的维管束在皮层和中柱鞘内排列成环状,形成真中柱。

4.Internodes of the mutants had abnormal-shaped epidermal and hypodermal cells and showed an unusual arrangement of small vascular bundles.突变体节间的表皮细胞和下皮细胞形态异常,而且小的维管束排列也与野生型不一样。

5.Has similar tissue organization at both surfaces with a row of vascular bundles under each epidermis.叶两面组织相同,有一排维管束在表皮下,很特殊。

6.Results show that the large parenchymatous cells of vascular bundles are the mainly storage site of aloin.结果表明,叶维管柬内的大型薄壁细胞为芦荟素的主要贮存结构。

7.Vascular bundles of the pedicel in flower of Commepna communis were scattered within central fundamental tissues.鸭跖草花梗顶部的维管束分布在中央的基本组织内。

8.In the stem, cortex was thick and meristematic tissue appeared activity, the vascular bundles increased and their aperture were very small.茎中皮层明显加厚,分生原基活跃,维管孔径小而数目多;

9.The nectary is composed of secretory epidermis and nectariferous tissue with no vascular bundles in it.蜜腺由分泌表皮和泌蜜组织组成,不含维管束。

10.Because you have sppt the stem, each dye color travels up different vascular bundles in the stem and reaches different parts of the flower.因为我们在实验中将花茎切分,不同的颜色就通过不同的维管束向上传送,最后到达花朵不同的部位。