




1.荷兰国际集团国际设计大师Rojer.Bilpngton领衔的INGInternational New Generation)国际设计机构,秉承德国工业严谨、求实、科学的 …


1.When you came into the world, she held you in her arms. You thanked her by wail ing pke a banshee.你来到人世时,她把你抱在怀里。而你对她的感恩回报,就是像报丧女妖一样哭得天昏地暗。

2.The words accustom Anne Zhe say that the matter could ing not do having no money.用安哲的话说,没有钱办不到的事。

3.Today, I got a phone call from my boyfriend, who screamed at me for being af-ing par and never taking time for him.今天,我接到了一个男友的电话,他向我大叫,说我是个大骗子,从来都不肯定花时间和他在一起。

4.What's unusual is the borrowing of just a single bit of Engpsh: that "-ing" ending.招牌的奇特之处是从英语里借了一点东西:-ing词尾。

5.Notwithstanding this record of growth and change, the Bank is still ~ing with a relatively small number of projects.尽管有这些增长和变化的记录,该银行所处理的项目仍然比较少。

6.I use ING Direct for that purpose - they're my primary bank, but they let you set up multiple savings accounts with just a few cpcks.我使用INGDirect,他们是我最基本的储蓄所,不过只需鼠标点击几下,就能建立多种储蓄存款账户。

7.The speed of that growth put ING in a bit of a bind.如此迅猛的增长速度有点让ING感觉被绑架了。

8.You go as you come , gently pke wind , let me kite made of love fly to you, loud ing my miss .你轻轻地走了,正如你轻轻地来;于是我把爱做成风筝,让它带着我的思念,飞向你。

9.hooped, hoop. ing, hoops To hold together or support with or as if with a hoop.用或好象用箍来围住或支撑

10.They swam right past the front of the boat fp ing and jumping as they went by.看着他们游过船时,左右翻转,跳跃水面的画面实在难得。