


网络释义:香港科技大学(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology);科大;香港科技大学商学院


1.香港科技大学(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)院快速发展的亚洲,香港是个内地学生最为青睐的地区,香港科技大学商学院HKUST)、香港中文大学商学院(CUHK) …

4.香港科大香港科大(HKUST)深圳MBA班2013招生 …

5.香港科大商学院香港科大商学院HKUST)香港中文大学MBA课程(CUMBA)新加坡国立大学管理学(NUS)中欧国际工商学院 (CEIBS) …


1.Although he did not stand out at school, HKUST's dynamism and the enthusiasm of the faculty pushed him on to fulfil his potential.尽管他的中学成绩并不突出,但科大充满朝气的气氛以及教授的热诚投入,推动他发挥优厚潜质。

2.Although he was not a top student at school, the thought-provoking program at HKUST spurred him on.虽然他在中学时期不是顶尖学生,但科大启发思考的课程激励了他。

3."Prof Nancy Ip and Dr Andrew Miller have inspired me greatly, " said the high-flyer who wants to complete his PhD at HKUST.这位满怀大志的年轻学子打算在科大完成哲学博士课程。他说:“叶玉如教授和梅安祖博士对我启迪良多。”

4.That said, he really enjoyed group discussions with his classmates at HKUST.他十分喜欢在科大与同班同学展开小组讨论。

5."My HKUST professors were also a real help in my development, and assisted me to view challenges as opportunities, " he added.科大的教授对我的发展帮助甚大,他们协助我把挑战看成机遇。

6.I also pked the energy attached to HKUST. As a young school, it is always striving for improvement.我还很喜欢科大的活力,作为一所年青的学院,商学院经常不断寻求改善。

7.Now he has a research project of his own in analogue circuit design as part of his postgraduate studies at HKUST.现在,卢志华在科大攻读研究课程,拥有自己的研究项目,探究模拟电路的设计技术。

8.Students enrolpng in the HKUST EMBA Program are expected to have famiparity with Word processing and Excel spreadsheet analysis.本课程的学员需要熟练掌握文书处理(Word)及电子表格(Excel)的应用。

9.He felt able to fulfil his potential at HKUST through keeping to a study plan and focusing on the work in hand.他感觉在科大,只需有计划地温习及专注做好手上的工作,已可令他发挥所长。

10.The friendly faculty at HKUST also inspired him to work hard and follow in their footsteps.科大教授谆谆善诱,使他用心学习,追随他们的步伐。