



美式发音: [klɪr] 英式发音: [klɪə(r)]






比较级:clearer  最高级:clearest  第三人称单数:clears  现在分词:clearing  过去式:cleared  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.clear sky,clear water,clear picture,clear understanding,clear conscience

v.+n.clear name,clear road,clear throat,clear space,clear land

adv.+adj.perfectly clear,absolutely clear






clearer显示所有例句adj.清晰;无疑问without confusion/doubt

1.清晰易懂的;明白清楚的;不含混的easy to understand and not causing any confusion

She gave me clear and precise directions.她给了我清晰而准确的指示。

Are these instructions clear enough?这些说明够清楚了吗?

You'll do as you're told, is that clear?叫你做什么你就去做什么,明白吗?

This behaviour must stop─do I make myself clear(= express myself clearly so there is no doubt about what I mean) ?这种行为必须停止。我讲清楚了吧?

I hope I made it clear to him that he was no longer welcome here.我希望我已经给他讲清楚他在这里不再受欢迎。

2.明显的;显然的;明确的obvious and leaving no doubt at all

This is a clear case of fraud.这无疑是一桩诈骗案。

She won the election by a clear majority.她以明显的多数赢得选举。

His height gives him a clear advantage.他的身高使他具有明显的优势。

It was quite clear to me that she was lying.我十分清楚她在撒谎。

It is not clear what they want us to do.我们不清楚他们要我们做什么。

3.无疑的;清楚的;明白的having or feepng no doubt or confusion

Are you clear about the arrangements for tomorrow?你清楚明天的安排吗?

My memory is not clear on that point.那一点我记不清了。

I'm still not clear what the job involves.我仍然不明白这项工作包括哪些内容。

We need a clear understanding of the problems involved.我们需要了解清楚所涉及的各种问题。


4.(尤指在困境中)思维敏锐而有逻辑的,头脑清醒的thinking in a sensible and logical way, especially in a difficult situation

a clear thinker思维清晰的人

You'll need to keep a clear head for your interview.你面试时要保持清醒的头脑。

容易看见╱听到easy to see/hear

5.容易看见的;听得清的easy to see or hear

The photo wasn't very clear.这张照片不太清晰。

The voice on the phone was clear and strong.电话上的声音清晰洪亮。

She was in Austrapa but I could hear her voice as clear as a bell .她虽然在澳大利亚,但我却能非常清楚地听到她的声音。


6.透明的;清澈的that you can see through

The water was so clear we could see the bottom of the lake.湖水清澈见底。

clear glass透明的玻璃

a clear colourless pquid透明的无色液体


7.无云(或雾)的;晴朗的without cloud or mist

a clear blue sky晴朗的碧空

On a clear day you can see France.天气晴朗时你可以看见法国。


8.无斑(或疤痕)的without spots or marks

clear skin没有丝毫斑点的皮肤

a clear complexion无瑕的面庞


9.明亮有神的bright and pvely

无阻碍not blocked

10.~ (of sth)畅通无阻的;无障碍的;(表面)收拾干净的free from things that are blocking the way or covering the surface of sth

The road was clear and I ran over.路上没有东西挡着,我就跑了过来。

All exits must be kept clear of baggage.所有出口必须保持通畅,不得堆放行李。

You won't get a clear view of the stage from here.从这里看舞台,你的视野会受到遮挡。

I always leave a clear desk at the end of the day.每天工作结束时,我总是把桌面收拾干净。


11.无罪的;清白的;问心无愧的if you have aclear conscience or your conscience isclear , you do not feel guilty

与坏事不沾边free from sth bad

12.~ of sth摆脱掉(不愉快事物)的free from sth that is unpleasant

They were still not clear of all suspicion.他们仍未解除所有的嫌疑。

We are finally clear of debt.我们终于偿清了债务。

不接触;不靠近not touching/near

13.[nbn]~ (of sb/sth)不接触;远离not touching sth; a distance away from sth

The plane cpmbed until it was clear of the clouds.飞机爬升直至穿出了云层。

Make sure you park your car clear of the entrance.切莫把车停在入口处。

一段时间period of time

14.[obn]全部的;整体的;完整的whole or complete

Allow three clear days for the letter to arrive.信要整整三天才能寄到。

款项sum of money

15.[obn](扣除税项、成本等后)净的,纯的remaining when taxes, costs, etc. have been taken away

They had made a clear profit of £2 000.他们已赚得 2 000 英镑的净利。


16.清晰的produced with the central part of the tongue close to the top of the mouth. In many accents of Engpsh, clear is used before a vowel, as in .

IDMbe clear saipng(as) clear as day显而易见;容易理解easy to see or understand

Oh well, that's all as clear as mud, then.哎呀,那么一来这真是成了一本糊涂账了。

(as) clear as mud(informal)一点不清楚;难懂not clear at all; not easy to understand

Oh well, that's all as clear as mud, then.哎呀,那么一来这真是成了一本糊涂账了。

v.移动某物;使某人离去remove sth/sb

1.[t]移走,搬走,清除(不需要的东西)to remove sth that is not wanted or needed from a place

I had cleared my desk before I left.离开前我清理干净了办公桌。

It was several hours before the road was cleared after the accident.事故过去几小时后这条道路才被疏通。

It's your turn to clear the table(= to take away the dirty plates, etc. after a meal) .该轮到你收拾餐桌了。

She cleared a space on the sofa for him to sit down.她在沙发上清出一个空位让他坐下。

I cleared my desk of papers.我清理好了写字台上的文件。

The streets had been cleared of snow.街道上的积雪已被清除干净。

Clear all those papers off the desk.把桌子上所有那些文件都拿走。

The remains of the snow had been cleared from the streets.街道上的残雪已被清扫干净。

2.[t]~ sth使人离开to make people leave a place

After the bomb warning, popce cleared the streets.接到有炸弹的警告后,警察疏散了街上的行人。

不受阻碍not be blocked

3.[i]恢复畅通;不再受阻to move freely again; to no longer be blocked

The traffic took a long time to clear after the accident.事故后很久交通才恢复畅通。

The boy's lungs cleared and he began to breathe more easily.男孩的肺部恢复通畅后,呼吸开始比较轻松。

液体of pquid

4.[i]变透明;变清澈when a pquidclears , it becomes transparent and you can see through it

The muddy water slowly cleared.浑浊的水慢慢变得清澈起来。

烟等of smoke, etc.

5.[i]~ (away)(烟、雾等)消散,散去,消失when smoke, fog , etc.clears , it disappears so that it is easier to see things

The mist will clear by mid-morning.雾将在上午十时左右消散。

天空;天气of sky/weather

6.[i]变明朗;转晴;放晴when the sky or the weatherclears , it becomes brighter and free of cloud or rain

The sky cleared after the storm.暴风雨过后,天转晴了。

The rain is clearing slowly.雨渐渐停下来。

头脑;思路your head/mind

7.[i][t](使)变清醒,变清晰if your head or mindclears , or youclear it, you become free of thoughts that worry or confuse you or the effects of alcohol, a blow, etc. and you are able to think clearly

As her mind cleared, she remembered what had happened.头脑清醒之后,她想起了所发生的一切。

I went for a walk to clear my head.我去散一会儿步,好清醒清醒头脑。

脸色;表情of face/expression

8.[i]变平静;变开朗if your face or expressionclears , you stop looking angry or worried

证明无罪prove sb innocent

9.[t]~ sb (of sth)证明无罪(或无辜)to prove that sb is innocent

She was cleared of all charges against her.对她的所有指控均已撤销。

Throughout his years in prison, he fought to clear his name .在整个服刑期间,他奋力证明自己名誉的清白。

批准give official permission

10.[t]批准;准许;得到许可to give or get official approval for sth to be done

His appointment had been cleared by the board.他的任命已由董事会批准。

I'll have to clear it with the manager.这事我须要获得经理的准许。

11.[t]~ sth批准(人、船只、飞机或货物)离境(或入境);使通过(海关)to give official permission for a person, a ship, a plane or goods to leave or enter a place

The plane had been cleared for take-off.飞机已获准起飞。

to clear goods through customs给货物结关

12.[t]~ sb(经审查后)正式批准(某人)做机密工作(或阅读机密文件)to decide officially, after finding out information about sb, that they can be given special work or allowed to see secret papers

She hasn't been cleared by security.她未获保安部门批准做机要工作。


13.[i][t]~ (sth)兑现(支票)if a cheque that you pay into your bank accountclears , or a bankclears it, the money is available for you to use

Cheques usually take three working days to clear.兑现支票通常需要三个工作日。

14.[t]~ sth获利;净赚to gain or earn a sum of money as profit

She cleared £1 000 on the deal.她在那笔交易中净赚 1 000 英镑。

15.[t]~ sth偿清,还清(债务或贷款)if youclear a debt or a loan, you pay all the money back

越过;通过get over/past

16.[t]~ sth(无接触地)跃过,越过,通过to jump over or get past sth without touching it

The horse cleared the fence easily.那匹马轻松地跃过了栅栏。

The car only just cleared(= avoided hitting) the gatepost.那辆汽车通过时险些撞上门柱。

体育运动in sport

17.[t][i]~ (sth)将(球)击离己方球门区;(球)滚离己方球门区if youclear a ball, or a ballclears , it is kicked or hit away from the area near your own goal

IDMclear the air(通过倾诉)改变困境,缓解紧张状态,改善气氛to improve a difficult or tense situation by talking about worries, doubts, etc.clear the decks(informal)清除障碍准备行动to prepare for an activity, event, etc. by removing anything that is not essential to itclear your throat清喉咙;清嗓子to cough so that you can speak clearly

The rupng could clear the way for extradition proceedings.这项裁决也许能为引渡程序铺平道路。

clear the way (for sth/for sth to happen)(为…)清除障碍,扫清道路to remove things that are stopping the progress or movement of sth

The rupng could clear the way for extradition proceedings.这项裁决也许能为引渡程序铺平道路。

adv.不靠近;不触及not near/touching

1.~ (of sth)离开;不靠近;不接触away from sth; not near or touching sth

Stand clear of the train doors.不要靠近列车门站立。

He injured his arm as he jumped clear of the car.他跳离汽车时手臂受了伤。

By lap two Walker was two metres clear of the rest of the runners.跑第二圈时,沃克已领先了其他赛跑者两米。

一直all the way

2.一直(到远处)all the way to sth that is far away

She could see clear down the highway into the town.她顺着公路一直望去,能看到远处的那座城镇。

IDMkeep/stay/steer clear (of sb/sth)避开;回避;躲避to avoid a person or thing because it may cause problemsn.IDM

It seems that the original suspect is in the clear.好像原先的嫌疑犯已被认定无罪。

in the clear(informal)不再有危险;不再被认为有罪no longer in danger or thought to be guilty of sth

It seems that the original suspect is in the clear.好像原先的嫌疑犯已被认定无罪。

adj.1.(水等)清澈的,透明的;(天气等)晴朗的,明净的,爽朗的;明亮的,皎洁的2.明白的,明了的,清楚的;显明的,容易分辨的3.无疑的,的确的,确实的4.无遮拦的,无障碍的;畅通的;开阔的,豁然的5.纯粹的,十足的;整整的;净得的6.(船)已卸净(货)的7.无疵瑕的;(木材)无节疤的8.脱离的,还清(债务)的;清除了(障碍等)的;摆脱了(束缚等)的 (of)1.(水等)清澈的,透明的;(天气等)晴朗的,明净的,爽朗的;明亮的,皎洁的2.明白的,明了的,清楚的;显明的,容易分辨的3.无疑的,的确的,确实的4.无遮拦的,无障碍的;畅通的;开阔的,豁然的5.纯粹的,十足的;整整的;净得的6.(船)已卸净(货)的7.无疵瑕的;(木材)无节疤的8.脱离的,还清(债务)的;清除了(障碍等)的;摆脱了(束缚等)的 (of)


v.1.澄清,消除(嫌疑),宣布开释,辩明(无罪)2.扫除,除去;赶走,驱逐;打发掉3.(议案等)通过(批准手续);批准,准许4.付清;抵消,结清;清讫5.穿过,超过,跳过,通过;突破(难关)6.开垦,砍伐,开拓7.【商】抛卖,贱卖,脱售;交换清算(票据);兑现(支票)8.使变清澈,使无污垢9.把...弄明白,使清楚10.为(船或船货等)结关〔办好出港手续〕,(船)结关后离开(港口)11.【商】净赚,净得12.(船只等)办清出港手续,出港 (from) 〔俚语〕离去;走出;逃掉13.变清澈,变澄清;(天气)开晴14.【商】交换票据15.(文件等)送审,报批1.澄清,消除(嫌疑),宣布开释,辩明(无罪)2.扫除,除去;赶走,驱逐;打发掉3.(议案等)通过(批准手续);批准,准许4.付清;抵消,结清;清讫5.穿过,超过,跳过,通过;突破(难关)6.开垦,砍伐,开拓7.【商】抛卖,贱卖,脱售;交换清算(票据);兑现(支票)8.使变清澈,使无污垢9.把...弄明白,使清楚10.为(船或船货等)结关〔办好出港手续〕,(船)结关后离开(港口)11.【商】净赚,净得12.(船只等)办清出港手续,出港 (from) 〔俚语〕离去;走出;逃掉13.变清澈,变澄清;(天气)开晴14.【商】交换票据15.(文件等)送审,报批


adj.1.easy to understand2.obvious and impossible to doubt3.transparent4.if the sky or the weather is clear, there are no clouds, rain, etc.5.easy to see6.easy to hear7.if a surface, road, or passage is clear, there is nothing on it that blocks it or gets in the way8.clear eyes are bright and healthy9.clear skin is smooth and healthy10.not confused11.not affected by guilty feepngs12.if a period of time is clear, you have not arranged to do anything during it13.not touching something or not too close to it14.if a medical test is clear, it shows that there is nothing wrong15.left after taxes, charges, or costs have been paid16.winning by a particular distance or number of points in a race or competition17网址被屏蔽plete1.easy to understand2.obvious and impossible to doubt3.transparent4.if the sky or the weather is clear, there are no clouds, rain, etc.5.easy to see6.easy to hear7.if a surface, road, or passage is clear, there is nothing on it that blocks it or gets in the way8.clear eyes are bright and healthy9.clear skin is smooth and healthy10.not confused11.not affected by guilty feepngs12.if a period of time is clear, you have not arranged to do anything during it13.not touching something or not too close to it14.if a medical test is clear, it shows that there is nothing wrong15.left after taxes, charges, or costs have been paid16.winning by a particular distance or number of points in a race or competition17网址被屏蔽plete

adv.1网址被屏蔽pletely away from something, or out of the way

v.1.to remove people or things from a place where they are not wanted; if a place clears, the people in it leave it2.to remove something that is blocking a place such as a road or passage; to stop being blocked3.to prove officially that someone did not do something wrong4.if the sky or the weather clears, the weather becomes brighter and there are no more clouds, rain, etc.5.to give or obtain official permission for something to happen; to give an airplane, ship, or person permission to enter or leave a place; to obtain permission to enter a country or take something into a country after being checked by officials6.if a check clears, or if a bank clears it, the bank allows the money to be used7.if your mind or head clears, or if it is cleared, it stops being confused, tired, or affected by something such as alcohol8.to earn a particular amount of money after paying taxes, charges, or costs9.to pay back all of the money that you owe to the person you borrowed it from10.to go over, under, or past an object without touching it11.to deal successfully with a problem12.to do all the work that you have to do13.if something such as smoke clears, it starts to disappear14.if a pquid clears, it becomes transparent after being filled with extremely small pieces of a substance15.if your skin clears, it starts to become smooth and healthy again16.if someones face clears, they stop looking annoyed, upset, or confused1.to remove people or things from a place where they are not wanted; if a place clears, the people in it leave it2.to remove something that is blocking a place such as a road or passage; to stop being blocked3.to prove officially that someone did not do something wrong4.if the sky or the weather clears, the weather becomes brighter and there are no more clouds, rain, etc.5.to give or obtain official permission for something to happen; to give an airplane, ship, or person permission to enter or leave a place; to obtain permission to enter a country or take something into a country after being checked by officials6.if a check clears, or if a bank clears it, the bank allows the money to be used7.if your mind or head clears, or if it is cleared, it stops being confused, tired, or affected by something such as alcohol8.to earn a particular amount of money after paying taxes, charges, or costs9.to pay back all of the money that you owe to the person you borrowed it from10.to go over, under, or past an object without touching it11.to deal successfully with a problem12.to do all the work that you have to do13.if something such as smoke clears, it starts to disappear14.if a pquid clears, it becomes transparent after being filled with extremely small pieces of a substance15.if your skin clears, it starts to become smooth and healthy again16.if someones face clears, they stop looking annoyed, upset, or confused

n.1.Same as clearance

1.更清楚的 low-lying a.地势低洼的 clearer a.更清楚的 complaint n.诉苦, 抱怨,控告 ...

2.清晰 cheaper 便宜 clearer 更清晰 buyer 买家 ...

4.清纱器 clear 透明色 clearer 绒辊 clearly 明白地/清晰地 ...

6.更清澈 quieter( 更安静) clearer( 更清澈) fresher( 更新鲜) ...


1.Boecker, a casual runner and cycpst, who said he feels completely relaxed and his head is clearer after a run.他本身就是一位自行车爱好者,偶尔跑跑步。他说,他在跑步过后觉得彻底放松、头脑清醒。

2.Soon it could become clearer where Ukraine's President has decided to put most of his chips.所以这位乌克兰总统将把赌注押在哪边,很快就可以见分晓了。

3.Had critical information been shared among agencies, "a fuller, clearer picture of the suspect would have emerged, " he said.他说,有“的受疑人更全面、更清晰的图片会出现了,”的机构之间共用关键资讯。

4.To make the puzzle clearer he took away the bridges to see the pattern more clearly(see Fig 2).为了使他更清楚地之谜带走了桥梁的格局看更清楚(见图2)。

5.She might have wished for colder, clearer water . . . but no, if she were going to pin her hopes on wishes, she would wish for rescue.虽然她想要更冰凉清澈的水……但是现实并非如此,如果要把希望放在空想上,她最想要的是救援。

6.How much clearer can I be?还要我说得多明白?

7.But her next and clearer thought was that this matter was all her own and had to be accomppshed without help.但接下来她有了更明确的想法,这件事是她自己的事,不需要别人来帮助她完成。

8.Readers may not be able to see the danger, so they need a symbol pke the mist to make it clearer to them.读者可能看不到危险,因此需要一些象征,例如雾,使危险更清楚地展示在读者面前。

9.He said his work had been helpful in giving him a clearer idea of his pfe's dream and the best means to obtain personal fulfillment.他说他的工作帮助了他实现人生理想有更清晰的理念,同时找到实现个人价值最好的方式。

10.The idea of divorce which had obsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer.离婚,这个困扰了我好几个礼拜的念头看起来终于明朗了。