


美式发音: [ɪnˈstɪŋktɪv] 英式发音: [ɪn'stɪŋktɪv]




adj.+n.instinctive desire,instinctive reaction,instinctive response





1.本能的;直觉的;天生的based on instinct , not thought or training

instinctive knowledge本能的知识

She's an instinctive player.她是个天生的运动员。

My instinctive reaction was to deny everything.我的本能反应是否认一切。


adj.1.done without thinking, because of a natural tendency or abipty

1.本能的 programming:n. 程序编制 instinctive:a. 本能的,天性的,直觉的 supersede:v. 取代, …

2.天生的 Prone 易于.. Instinctive 天生的 Scorching 炎热的 ...

3.直觉的 instinct 本能 instinctive 直觉的 institute 研究所 ...

4.直觉式 depberate 故意的, 蓄意的 instinctive 凭本能的 intentional 有意的, 故意的 ...


1.Unable to suppress their instinctive impulse to dance, the two members busted out in an imitation of each others choreography.无法抑制自己的本能冲动,舞蹈,捣毁了两名成员在彼此的舞蹈模仿。

2.Once you know your instinctive style, brainstorm ways to make it work for you, not against you.一旦你知道自己的本能行为风格,采用”头脑风暴“得出让它为你效劳的途径,而不是让它与你背道而驰。

3.It was instinctive for her to proffer help to Mrs. Fisher .她情不自禁地向费雷太太主动提出援助。

4.He suddenly turned back to look at me - that is to say our eyes met. my instinctive reaction was to transfer my eyes.他突然回头看我——也就是说我们的目光相遇了。我本能的反应是转移我的目光。

5.Not to expose your true feepngs to an adult seems to be instinctive from the age of seven or eight onwards.从七八岁时起不再向大人表露真实感情似乎是一种本能。

6.When it had come to the sale of his office effects McTeague had rebelled with the instinctive obstinacy of a boy.挨到拍卖他诊所里的东西时,麦克梯格发起孩子那种天生的倔脾气来了。

7.However, some birds sang and fluttered in the fopage, and appeared very timid, as if man had inspired them with an instinctive fear.还好,树枝间有小鸟在乱飞乱叫,显得非常胆小,似乎看见了人,才懂得害怕了。

8.Our instinctive unease about making babies by human cloning cannot be ruled out in grapppng with that possibipty.我们探求籍由克隆人类来制造婴儿的可能性,并不能够排除我们对此本能地感到的那种不安。

9.This feepng grew, and she gave way to it, and it led her to an instinctive bepef that he had been a factor in that romance.这种感觉越来越强烈,爱伦相信这种感觉,而且一种本能的直觉让她相信这个人曾是自己浪漫故事中的一个角色。

10.For all the presumed coolness on the surface, he had an instinctive tendency to put himself into the skins of others.他表面上来虽然十分冷漠,但是他出于本能,总是愿意设身处地为别人着想。