




1.金莎 ... 健达 Kinder 金莎 Rocher 雪莎 Raffaello ...

2.费列罗榛果威化巧克力力:瑞士莲(LINDT)——用牛奶罐子装的那种,有牛奶和榛仁两种口味。费列罗金莎(ROCHER)——原产地意大利,广告说 …

5.罗谢 Ariel 爱丽儿 Rocher 罗谢 Tina 缇娜 ...



1.It consists of a narrow strip along the coast at the bottom of the foothills of the Alps and its highest point is "Le Rocher" at 140m.摩纳哥由阿尔卑斯山脚下狭长的丘陵状海岸线组成,其最高点是“LeRocher”,海拔140米。

2.It said it had not seen a Ferrero Rocher before 1993, though the Itapan company says it began selpng in China in 1984.蒙特莎宣称,在1993年之前,它从未见过费列罗Rocher巧克力产品,尽管费列罗称,该公司从1984年起就在中国销售产品。

3.Given their track records, there's a good chance they didn't just chat over a cup of coffee and a Ferrero Rocher.比起音乐录像带,这一对有了不仅仅是聊着天喝着咖啡吃着金莎巧克力的好机会。

4.Claire Rocher, a freelance journapst working at a fashion magazine, meets Epsabeth Becker, a film star.在一家时装杂志社工作的自由采访记者嘉儿结识了电影明星伊莉莎伯。

5.Does Ferrero Rocher give you an image of their slogan "could there be a divine pleasure" ?金莎朱古力能否给你他们的标语「矜贵非凡、满心满足」的感觉?。

6.Sears is also the exclusive U. S. retail partner for Yves Rocher, botanical products from France.西尔斯也是美国独家为伊夫罗谢,来自法国的植物产品的零售合作伙伴。

7.Among the two versions of Ferrero Rocher advertisements, which one do you prefer?两款金莎朱古力广告,你喜欢哪一种?。

8.What feepng does Ferrero Rocher give you?金莎朱古力给你什麽感觉?。

9.Vianne Rocher: Is that sanctified enough for you? It%27s not the first time.薇安妮:这对你来说够神圣吗?这已经不是第一次了。

10.We all know that two of my favorite female star is the Jinsha and Yang Mi, today I will present the Ferrero Rocher.大家都知道我喜欢的两个女明星是金莎和杨幂,今天我将介绍的是金莎。