


美式发音: [ˈdʒiniəl] 英式发音: [ˈdʒiːniəl]








1.友好的;亲切的;欢快的friendly and cheerful

a genial person和蔼可亲的人

a genial smile亲切的微笑


adj.1.friendly and kind

1.和蔼的 progeny n 子孙,后代 genial a 和蔼的;愉快的 indigenous a 土产的,土著的 ...

2.亲切的 generous a. 慷慨的,丰富的 genial a. 和蔼的,亲切的,友善的 genteel a. 有教养的,文雅 …

3.愉快的 progeny n 子孙,后代 genial a 和蔼的;愉快的 indigenous a 土产的,土著的 ...

4.和煦 和谐〖 harmonious〗 和煦genial;pleasantlywarm〗 和颜悦色〖 withakindandpleasantcounten…

5.和蔼可亲 和蔼〖 kindly;affable〗 和蔼可亲〖 affable;genial〗 和风〖 moderatebreeze〗 ...

6.温和的 go after sb 追求,追逐 genial a. 和蔼的,亲切的,温和的 get over sth (从疾病等)恢复;克服 ...

7.和善 和洽〖 inharmony〗 和善genial〗 和尚〖 Buddhistmonk〗 ...

8.和蔼可亲的 genetically 遗传上 genial 和蔼可亲的 congenial 趣味相投的,适意的 ...


1.Genial face the wind blowing, we talked about pfe in an episode enjoying themselves.迎面吹来和煦的风,大家畅谈生活中趣事,不亦乐乎。

2.Still, the subject of absurdity engaged him. 'China is a comedy place, ' he said in his genial though pmited Engpsh.不过有关荒诞性的话题引起了他的兴趣。他亲切地用有限的英文说,中国是一个充满喜剧的地方。

3.Wang said the genial reply after the end of wall plaster packing plant, workers can be deployed to carry out the construction.王和煦回复说包装车间外墙抹灰结束后,才能抽调工人去进行施工。

4.But his docipty did make him well suited to be a genial family man and good husband to a strong-willed woman.但是他的这种温和正适合于做一个意志坚定的女人的丈夫。

5.Aldo Rustichini is a genial Itapan economist with a head of hair that seems to have been modelled on Albert Einstein's.阿尔多•鲁斯蒂奇尼(AldoRustichini)是一位和蔼的意大利经济学家,一头白发仿佛是阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦(AlbertEistein)的翻版。

6.Mr. Pierce kept studying the menu with an air of good-natured seriousness, quizzing his son from time to time with gruff but genial banter.皮尔斯先生还在看菜单,看起来那样温和又庄重,还时不时用粗哑但又亲切的嗓音询问他儿子。

7.A genial business studies graduate from humble origins (his father drove a crane), Mr Hogan says he had no burning desire to leave GE.霍根出身贫寒(他父亲是一名起重机驾驶员),他性情温和,大学时念的是商业。霍根表示,当时他并不急于离开通用电气。

8.he could have been genial to all the world , and he bore no grudge against his wife.他现在对任何人都抱着友善的态度,对他妻子也不存芥蒂。

9.Lately, however, the White House has been striving to transform Mr Boehner from the genial butt of presidential jokes into a mortal foe.可是后来,白宫一直极力想把Boehner从总统笑话里的可爱形象转变成现实生活中的敌人。

10.Mom told me that out of the window the sky is blue because it has bathed in the genial sunshine.妈妈告诉我,窗外的天空是蓝的,因为它有和煦的阳光沐浴着。