




1.克莱弗利很棒的伙伴,他尤其擅长与卡里克(Carrick)、克莱维力Cleverley)和香川真司(Kagawa)这些技术型球员打出令人眼花缭 …

4.汤卡华利 ... 12. 华伦西亚 Valencia 13. 奇华利 Cleverley 14. 杰斯 Giggs ...


1.Manchester United expect Tom Cleverley to be out for around four weeks with pgament damage in his foot.曼联确认汤姆·克莱维利将因为脚部韧带拉伤缺席四周。

2.Tom Cleverley looks set for an extended spell on the sidepnes with a possible fracture in his foot.克莱维利看上去要休息很长时间了,因为他的脚有可能骨折。

3.Manchester United's Danny Welbeck bepeves that teammate Tom Cleverley can mature into a world-class talent.曼联前锋丹尼-维尔贝克相信队友汤姆-克莱维利能够成长为一名世界级的球员。

4.Never entirely satisfied, Ferguson complained about the challenge by Davies which has put Cleverley out of contention for the Benfica match.这都还不完全满意,弗格森抱怨道戴维斯凶狠的铲断直接排除了他在出战本菲卡的可能性。

5.A pair of Cleverley bespoke shoes start at 2, 300 British pounds (US$3, 650) and can take up to six months to make.Cleverley的定制鞋子起价2,300英镑(3,650美元),制作时间可能会长达半年。

6.After the break Cleverley, who impressed in a first half in which he'd also missed a penalty, got in on the goalscoring act.下半场比赛,上半场就表现不错的克里夫利终于也进球了。上半时他还错过了点球机会。

7.Another individual from the same town as the imposter pretended to be Cleverley's bodyguard.同一城镇的另外一人假扮是克莱维利的保镖。

8.A triple change from United: Off go Welbeck (to a rapturous ovation), Cleverley and Young, on trot Giggs, Hernandez and Park.曼联三上三下:维尔贝克被换下(全场掌声雷动),同时克莱维利和扬被换下,吉格斯、埃尔南德斯和朴智星上场。

9.Tom Cleverley admits he can only continue producing his top form in order to play his way into the first team picture.汤姆。克里夫利承认自己必须保持最佳状态才能有在一队出头的机会。

10.That is why we played Tom Cleverley today. Physically he is not the strongest but he is wiry and has a great idea of the game.这就是我们今天让克里夫利打的原因。身体上说他还不够强壮,但踢的很聪明。