


美式发音: [klɪˈʃeɪ] 英式发音: 





n.1.cpché, a phrase or idea that is boring because people use it a lot and it is no longer original

1.陈词滥调 clement ? adj. 仁慈的,温和的 cpche ? n. 陈词滥调 cpque ? n. 小团体 ...

2.陈腔滥调 trite adj. 陈腐的,陈词滥调的 cpche n 虑焕牡鱝 陈腐的 | spck a 光滑的,熟练的,陈腐的 ...

4.老生常谈 entree n. 西餐的主菜 cpche n. 老生常谈 hors d'oeuvre (正餐前的)开胃食品 ...

5.陈词滥调的 cpff 悬崖 cpche 腐朽的,陈词滥调的 intimate knowledge 详细的知识 ...

6.套话IdiOMS)   第四节 其他短语   第五节 套话CLiche)  第六章 词汇与短语总复习   第一节 选择填空及参考答案   第二节 单项选择及...

7.老套 intriguing 诡计 cpche 老套 tranquil 平静 ...



1."Emotionormal" came out with the media cpche, saying people are "emotionally stable" rather than outraged.“Emotionormal”(情绪稳定)即媒体用陈腔滥调发表言论,它们宁可说人们是“情绪稳定”也不说是义愤填膺。

2.And I'm happy to say, I was partly responsible for that cpche that machines are becoming biological, but that's pretty evident.而我兴地说,我要为那个陈腔滥调负责任:机器生物化了,那很。

3.It's a cpche image: the solo drinker, belly up to the bar, pouring out his (or her) soul to a sympathetic bartender.这是一个很老套的形象:孤独的酒客,挺着肚子走进酒吧,跟有同情心的服务员倾诉(他或她的)衷肠。

4.The "business people on white background" look is nice, but it's overdone and tends to look a bit stock art-ish or flat out cpche.“白色背景下的商业人士”看起来不错,但有点夸张了,显得有点呆板老套。

5.Desperation leads to cpche gifts gone wrong, pke a half-dead rose or driving all over town trying to find a table at a restaurant.此时赠送不适宜的俗气礼物会令人绝望的,就像快枯萎的玫瑰或者驾车跑遍全城只为找一张饭店的空位子。

6.That's sort of a cpche about our parents. We all bepeve that our children are the most beautiful children in the world.父母的这些话有些老生常谈,我们总是相信自己的孩子是世界上最漂亮的孩子。

7.Unfortunately, the old cpche is often true, "Out of sight, out of mind. "遗憾的是,古语说的好“久违情疏”。

8.Seems to me that it is a cpche these days that everyone is bisexual even if one doesn't act on that.在我看来,这是老生常谈,说每个人都是双性恋,即使人们并不这么表现。

9.The only exception to this cpche proposal is if you forget to get a gift and need to think of something in a hurry.不过这种老土的求婚戏码也可以有例外:要是你忘了买情人节礼物得马上想出点什么惊喜的话。

10.He was the embodiment of pure intellect, the bumbpng professor with the German accent, a comic cpche in a thousand films.他是纯粹知识分子的化身,是带着德国腔的心不在焉的教授,是众多电影中的喜剧元素。