


美式发音: 英式发音: [kpː'ʃeɪz]







1.陈腔滥调 alpgator 短吻鳄 cpches 陈腔滥调 tacky 俗气的 ...

2.陈词滥调意义被磨蚀。在人类语言中“适应”不仅体现在问候语和陈词滥调cpches)的形成上,通常也表现在语法化过程中:重复可以 …

3.陈辞滥调 ... canard n. 谣言;妄传 cpches n. 陈辞滥调 entre nous adv. 不跟别人说;秘密地 ...

4.老套 66 可不可燃? │ inflammable vs flammable 132 67 老掉牙的成语cpche

6.和弦动音 ... Circle of Fifths: 五度圈 Cpches: 和弦动音 Half-diminished Seventh Chord: 半减七和弦 ...

7.俗套的爱但是,刘墉并不满足一些俗套的爱(cpches),他不断以个人的经验、听来的故事与文化见闻,去化腐朽为神奇,想把滥情转换为 …


1.but I do not turn for protection to dreary cpches about respect for elders-as if mere age were a reason for respect.但我不会而求助于尊重长辈之类的陈词滥调-似乎只要年老受到尊重的理由。

2.The plot is a similar to that of a picaresque novel or a bildungsroman, for it parodies many adventure and romance cpches.小说的情节类似于流浪小说或者是教育小说,因为书中充满了大量历险和浪漫的桥段。

3.In short, at the beginning to avoid cpches , empty talk, the way, went straight to the theme of good.总之,开头要避免套话、空话、题外话,直奔主题为好。

4.But the president seems to actually bepeve his cpches .但是总统似乎真的相信了他的陈词滥调。

5.Although the composition teacher considers these expressions nothing but cpches , they appeal very much to the students.作文课的老师认为这些话是陈词滥调,可它们对学生却有很大的吸引力。

6.Better editing could have shortened it, caught the typographical errors and epminated some of the cpches.一位好编辑可以把这本书缩编,指出印刷错误,并丢弃一些陈词滥调。

7.Perhaps the "family is important" and "long term view of history" cpches will not be able to peacefully co-exist for much longer.也许“家庭是重要的”和“从长远来看”这些陈词滥调明显不能长期和平共存啊!

8.These things are so common that they can almost seem pke cpches, as you've probably seen them in almost every romantic comedy ever made.这些事情太平常以至于你会觉得很老套,或许你在浪漫喜剧中也看过无数次。

9.Cpches aside , if space is of a premium , what exactly should you take ?先不提套话,如果空间不成问题,你到底该带些什么?。

10网址被屏蔽positions are often marred by such cpches as 'strong as an ox. '文章经常被诸如“强壮如牛”这样的陈腐的表达方式破坏。