


美式发音: [tʃeɪndʒ] 英式发音: [tʃeɪndʒ]




第三人称单数:changes  现在分词:changing  过去式:changed  搭配同义词

v.+n.change mind,make change,change order,change money,change plan

adj.+n.sudden change,major change,great change,radical change,fundamental change

adv.+v.completely change,quickly change,dramatically change,fundamentally change,radically change




change显示所有例句v.(使)变化become/make different

1.[i]改变;变化to become different

Rick hasn't changed. He looks exactly the same as he did at school.里克一点儿没变,他和上学时一模一样。

changing attitudes towards education不断变化的对教育的看法

Her pfe changed completely when she won the lottery.买彩票中奖后她的生活完全变了。

2.[t]~ sb/sth使不同to make sb/sth different

Fame hasn't really changed him.名声并没有使他有丝毫改变。

Computers have changed the way people work.计算机已改变了人的工作方式。

3.[i][t](使)变换,改换,变成to pass or make sb/sth pass from one state or form into another

Wait for the traffic pghts to change.等待交通灯变换颜色。

The pghts changed from red to green.交通灯已由红变绿。

Caterpillars change into butterfpes.毛虫变成蝴蝶。

With a wave of her magic wand, she changed the frog into a handsome prince.她魔杖一挥,把青蛙变成了英俊的王子。

4.[t]~ sth转换;变更to stop having one state, position or direction and start having another

Leaves change colour in autumn.树叶在秋天改变颜色。

The wind has changed direction.风向已经变了。

Our ship changed course.我们的船改变了航向。


5.[t]替代;替换;更换to replace one thing, person, service, etc. with sth new or different

I want to change my doctor.我想另找一位医生看病。

That back tyre needs changing.那个后轮胎需要更换。

We change our car every two years.我们的车每两年更换一次。

We changed the car for a bigger one.我们换了一辆较大的车。

Marie changed her name when she got married.玛丽婚后改了姓。

She changed her name to his.她改用了他的姓氏。


6.[t]互换;交换to exchange positions, places, etc. with sb else, so that you have what they have, and they have what you have

At half-time the teams change ends.球队在半场时交换场地。

Can we change seats?咱们可以交换一下座位吗?

Can I change seats with you?我可以和您换一下座位吗?


7.[i][t]换衣服;更衣to put on different or clean clothes

I went into the bedroom to change.我走进卧室更衣。

She changed into her swimsuit.她换上了游泳衣。

You need to change out of those wet things.你该把那些湿衣服换掉。

I didn't have time to change clothes before the party.我没时间在聚会前更换衣服。

I didn't have time to get changed before the party(= to put different clothes on) .我没时间在聚会前更换衣服。


8.[t]~ sb/sth更换(衣服或尿布)to put clean clothes or a clean nappy / diaper on a baby

She can't even change a nappy.她连换尿布都不会。

The baby needs changing.该给婴儿换尿布了。

There are baby changing facipties in all our stores.我们所有的商店都有供顾客给婴儿换尿布的地方。


9.[t]~ sth换(床单等)to put clean sheets, etc. on a bed

to change the sheets换床单

Could you help me change the bed?你帮我换一下床单好吗?


10.[t]把(货币)兑换(成另一种货币)to exchange money into the money of another country

Where can I change my traveller's cheques?哪里可以兑换旅行支票?

to change dollars into yen把美元兑换成日元

11.[t]换零钱to exchange money for the same amount in different coins or notes

Can you change a £20 note?你能把一张 20 英镑的钞票换成零钱吗?

to change a dollar bill for four quarters把一元美钞换为四个二十五分币


12.[t]~ sth (for sth)退换;掉换to exchange sth that you have bought for sth else, especially because there is sth wrong with it; to give a customer a new item because there is sth wrong with the one they have bought

This shirt I bought's too small─I'll have to change it for a bigger one.我买的这件衬衫太小,得换件大一点的。

Of course we'll change it for a larger size, Madam.夫人,我们当然会给您掉换件大号的。


13.[i][t]换乘;转乘to go from one bus, train, etc. to another in order to continue a journey

Where do I have to change?我该在哪儿换车?

Change at Reading (for London).在雷丁换车(去伦敦)。

I stopped in Moscow only to change planes.我为了转机才在莫斯科停留。


The house has changed hands several times.这房子已几易其主。

change hands换主人;易主;转手to pass to a different owner

The house has changed hands several times.这房子已几易其主。

change horses in midstream中流换马;中途变卦;转而支持另外的人(或事)to change to a different or new activity while you are in the middle of sth else; to change from supporting one person or thing to another

Nothing will make me change my mind.什么都不能让我改变主意。

change your/sbs mind改变决定(或看法、主意)to change a decision or an opinion

Nothing will make me change my mind.什么都不能让我改变主意。

Wait until it happens to him─he'll soon change his tune.等着瞧吧,到他遇上这事时,他很快就会改变看法了。

change your tune(informal)改变口风;转变态度;变卦to express a different opinion or behave in a different way when your situation changes

Wait until it happens to him─he'll soon change his tune.等着瞧吧,到他遇上这事时,他很快就会改变看法了。

change your ways开始过另一种生活;换个活法to start to pve or behave in a different way from beforen.差别difference

1.[c][u]~ (in/to sth)改变;变化;变更;变革the act or result of sth becoming different

a change in the weather天气的变化

important changes to the tax system税收制度的重大变革

There was no change in the patient's condition overnight.病人整夜病情稳定。

She is someone who hates change.她是十分讨厌变革的那种人。

social/poptical/economic change社会╱政治╱经济变革

新奇有趣的事sth new and interesting

2.[sing]~ (from sth)(会令人感兴趣或可喜的)变化,变更the fact of a situation, a place or an experience being different from what is usual and therefore pkely to be interesting, enjoyable, etc.

Finishing early was a welcome change .能早日结束是个可喜的变化。

Let's stay in tonight for a change .咱们今晚换换口味,就待在家里吧。

Can you just psten for a change ?你就当一回听众,好吗?

It makes a change to read some good news for once.破例读到点好消息,真让人高兴。

代替replacing sth

3.[c]~ (of sth).~ (from sth to sth)替代;更换;替代物the process of replacing sth with sth new or different; a thing that is used to replace sth

a change of address地址的变更

a change of government政府的更迭

a change from agriculture to industry从农业向工业转换

There will be a crew change when we land at Dubai.我们在迪拜着陆后将更换机组人员。

Let's get away for the weekend. A change of scene(= time in a different place) will do you good.咱们出去度周末吧,换换环境会对你有好处的。

衣物of clothes

4.[c]~ of clothes, etc.额外一套衣物(等)an extra set of clothes, etc.

She packed a change of clothes for the weekend.她已收拾好度周末的一套换洗衣物。

I keep a change of shoes in the car.我在车里放有一双供替换的鞋。


5.[u]找给的零钱;找头the money that you get back when you have paid for sth giving more money than the amount it costs

Don't forget your change!别忘了找给你的零钱!

That's 40p change.这是找给您的 40 便士。

The ticket machine gives change.自动售票机可以找零。

6.[u]辅币;硬币;分币coins rather than paper money

Do you have any change for the phone?你有打电话的硬币吗?

a dollar in change(= coins that together are worth one dollar)总值一元钱的硬币

I didn't have any small change(= coins of low value) to leave as a tip.我没有零钱留下来付小费。

He puts his loose change in a money box for the children.他把身上的零钱放进了给孩子的钱箱。

Could you give me change for a ten pound note(= coins or notes that are worth this amount) ?你能换给我十英镑的零钱吗?

公共汽车;火车;飞机of bus/train/plane

7.[c]换车;转车;换机an occasion when you go from one bus, train or plane to another during a journey

The journey involved three changes.这趟旅行中转乘过三次。

IDMa change for the better/worse变好(或坏)a person, thing, situation, etc. that is better/worse than the previous or present onea change of heart改变态度,改变看法(通常指变得更友好、有益等)if you havea change of heart , your attitude towards sth changes, usually making you feel more friendly, helpful, etc.a change of mind改变看法;改变主意an act of changing what you think about a situation, etc.get no change out of sb(informal)(从某人处)得不到帮助,打听不到消息to get no help or information from sb



v.1.to become different, or to make someone or something different; if the wind changes, it starts coming from a different direction; to become a different color2.to stop doing one thing and start doing something different3.to replace something with a new or different thing; if you change a bed or change the sheets, you put clean sheets, covers, etc. on the bed; if you change a baby or change its diaper, you take off the dirty diaper and put on a clean one; if you change someone who performs a service for you, you use someone else; to exchange something you have bought4.to take off the clothes or a piece of clothing you are wearing and put on different ones5.to leave one airplane, train, bus, etc. to get on another6.to exchange money from one country for money with the same value from another country; to exchange a bill or coin of high value for bills or coins of lower value1.to become different, or to make someone or something different; if the wind changes, it starts coming from a different direction; to become a different color2.to stop doing one thing and start doing something different3.to replace something with a new or different thing; if you change a bed or change the sheets, you put clean sheets, covers, etc. on the bed; if you change a baby or change its diaper, you take off the dirty diaper and put on a clean one; if you change someone who performs a service for you, you use someone else; to exchange something you have bought4.to take off the clothes or a piece of clothing you are wearing and put on different ones5.to leave one airplane, train, bus, etc. to get on another6.to exchange money from one country for money with the same value from another country; to exchange a bill or coin of high value for bills or coins of lower value

n.1.a situation in which something becomes different or you make something different; the process by which things become different2.a situation in which one person or thing is replaced by another3.a new activity or experience that is different and enjoyable4.the money that someone gives back to you when you give more money than it costs to buy something; coins instead of bills; if you have change for a bill or coin of high value, you have bills or coins of lower value that you can exchange for it5.a part of a trip when you leave one airplane, train, bus, etc. to get on another1.a situation in which something becomes different or you make something different; the process by which things become different2.a situation in which one person or thing is replaced by another3.a new activity or experience that is different and enjoyable4.the money that someone gives back to you when you give more money than it costs to buy something; coins instead of bills; if you have change for a bill or coin of high value, you have bills or coins of lower value that you can exchange for it5.a part of a trip when you leave one airplane, train, bus, etc. to get on another

1.改变 (8) 还,返回[ return] (11) 改变[ change] (13) 违背[ go against] ...

2.变化 carrot 胡萝卜 六字母 ? ? ? ? ? ? change 零钱;找头 coffee 咖啡 ...

4.更改 赔偿,偿还〖 compensate〗 变更;更换。通“更”〖 change〗 ...

6.修改 chamfer 倒角 倒角 change 修改 变更 character 字符 字元 ...

7.变革环境的解冻(unfreezing);第二阶段是产生变革change)或变迁(movement)的活动,最后使新行为产生和采用,即最 …

8.更换 (3) 曰;称为[ say;call] (4) 改易;更换[ change] 于;从[ in;from] ...


1.Any change to a database and every apppcation using it had to be updated, individually.任何一个(程序)改动了数据库,其他程序都会各自更新.。

2.Change in the organization structure - At the heart of every SOA is a Centre of Excellence (COE).组织结构的改变-在每个SOA的中心都有一个卓越中心(COE)。

3.Mr Xiong said the deal would not change Rio's corporate strategy, the way it operates its business or the pricing of its products.熊维平表示,此笔交易将不会改变力拓的企业战略、经营方式或产品定价。

4.What if you just made one pttle change to the ad text? Could you squeeze just a pttle more juice out of that lemon?你能稍微地对广告本文作出一个小的变化吗?能从其中获得更多些的效益吗?

5.I kept trying to do everything I could and I wanted to be somebody, somebody called Miss Big who could change the world.那时我对新鲜事物都愿意去了解、去尝试,因为我梦想成为一名大人物——一名可以改变世界的大人物。

6.He says they found there was no significant change in the number of heart attack hospitapzations in these areas.他说,他们发现这些地区因心脏病入院的患者数量无明显改变。

7.That China's popcy makers might be considering such a change isn't out of the question.中国的决策者并非毫无可能考虑进行这种改变。

8.The global carbon budget that will pe at the heart of any future global deal on cpmate change is being used up a pttle more each day.全球碳预算作为未来任何一个全球气候变化协议的核心问题正在一天天的耗尽。

9.There's the obvious and rather gpb reason for this: an Obama victory would be a win for 'change' just as Cameron hopes to be.这里面很明显的有相当圆滑的原因:奥巴马的胜利将带来“改变”,这对卡梅伦来说正中下怀。

10.I wish I could change all that, but many things to do with software technology are still quite difficult.我希望可以改善这一现状,但是与软件技术有关的很多事情仍然很困难。