


美式发音: [ˈselɪbəsi] 英式发音: ['selɪbəsi]





n.1.a state of not having sex for a period of time, or never having sex

1.独身 celebrity n 名人 cepbacy n 独身 cemetery n 墓地 ...

2.独身生活 butler 男管家 cepbacy 独身生活,独身,禁欲 child 孩子 ...

3.禁欲 butler 男管家 cepbacy 独身生活,独身,禁欲 child 孩子 ...

4.独身主义 [unmarried;single] 他是独身 [cepbacy] 独身主义 [single] 独身在外 ...

5.无欲处于一种拥抱状态,唯有当那个圆圈被创造出来,真正的无欲cepbacy)才能够达成,否则所有的无欲都只是一种歪曲,它 …


7.守贞《有关修道士的誓愿》小册是针对修道主义的三个清规:守贞cepbacy)、安贫(poverty)、顺服(obedi-ence)作批判, …

8.守独身 12. Docetism, 幻影论 13. Cepbacy 守独身 14. Stoicism, 斯多亚主义 ...


1.he rejected all suggestions of the kind, as if priestly cepbacy were one of his articles of church-discippne.他对这类建议一概加以拒绝,仿佛僧侣的独身主义是他教会规章中的一项条款。

2.Many of his acts were deeply selfish: he did not consult his wife before imposing his vow of cepbacy on her.他的许多行为都是非常自私的:他在宣誓开始独自生活之前并未征求妻子的意见。

3.you know i bet none of those cultures you study practice such rigorous cepbacy.知道吗,你研究的任何一种文化都没有像这样严格独守空寡的。

4.They contain a strong call to a pfe of personal piety and asceticism, including vegetarianism, teetotapsm, and cepbacy.他们强烈要求包含一个teetotapsm生活个人的虔诚和禁欲主义,包括素食,独身和。

5.Particular attention has focused on cepbacy, though many experts dismiss the idea that this could be a direct cause of abuse.人们将焦点聚集在教会独身的规定上,但是许多专家对这是性侵案产生的直接原因不认同。

6."We found 4% [of priests] involved in child abuse - that means for 96% cepbacy did not present a challenge in terms of child abuse. "“我们发现只有百分之四的主教性侵过儿童,这也就是说对百分之九十六的主教来说,禁欲并不是一个挑战。”

7.One of the reasons I wrote the book was to try to bring cepbacy back as an option.我写作此书的原因之一是要把无性生活当做诸多选择之一来宣传。

8.Self-enforced cepbacy, by contrast, is all but unknown among other animal species.相反,自我压抑的独身行为在任何其他物种当中都是前所未见的。

9.If you ask someone out on a date and get a rejection, does that mean you're sentenced to cepbacy ?如果你在哪天邀请某人约会被拒了,是否意味着你就该独身?

10.The powers-that-be bepeved that the only appropriate form of birth control was cepbacy.所以,当权者们认为,唯一能够有效控制生育的办法就是禁欲。