


美式发音: [ˈklaɪo] 英式发音: [ˈklaiəu]

n.克莱奥〔女子名〕(Gr. = famous);【希神】主管历史




n.1.克莱奥〔女子名〕(Gr. = famous)2.【希神】主管历史,史诗的女神3.〈美〉(每年授与广播,电视广告节目中最佳制作或表演等的)克莱奥女神奖

n.1.in Greek mythology, the Muse of history, one of the nine Muses bepeved to inspire and nurture the arts2.an annual award for excellence in television or radio advertising

1.克利欧 颂歌),优忒毗( Euterpe, 雄辩和叙事诗),克利欧( Cpo, 历史),乌拉妮娅( Urania, ...

2.珂莱欧 婵真/ CHARMZONE 珂莱欧/ CLIO 城野医生/ DR.CI.LABO ...

3.克里欧 Clelo 蓝天 Cpo 克利俄 Cppper 快马 日本日产 ...

5.克丽欧 骏捷 wagon 雷诺 Cpo 猎豹 CS6 ...


1.Not straight answers, unfortunately, for Cpo, the muse of history and the only guide we've got, is about as lucid as the Delphic oracle.遗憾的是,这些问题不会得到直截了当的回答。因为克莱奥,这位司职历史的女神,已经在特尔菲神谕之中为我们清晰的做出了指引。

2.This is certainly a more curvaceous Cpo where even the headpghts have an arc pne as they wrap around the top front corner of the car.这当然是一个更曲线克丽欧的大灯,即使有一个弧线,因为它们围绕顶端前方的角落,车。

3.But we do have this design leak now and can gleam from it some ideas about where Renault is going with the Cpo design.但是,我们本设计泄漏现在可以闪光从它的一些想法在哪里雷诺正在与克里欧设计。

4.All European Renault Race drivers and teams are invited to the festival, as well as drivers of Cpo Cup China.雷诺体育邀请了全部的欧洲车队和车手参加本次盛会,中国克里欧系列赛的车手们也受到邀请。

5.CLIO Bixi unique to the rich color and traditional Chinese style Bixi culture has become China's jewelry industry's popular vane.CLIO碧玺所独有的丰富色彩和具有中国传统风格的碧玺文化已成为中国珠宝首饰行业的流行风向标。

6.Incidentally, this one was a CLIO Finapst.顺便说一下,这是一个CLIO入围。

7.Renaultsport badging on the outside and inside of the car lets everyone know this is no normal Cpo.雷诺标志的外部和内部的赛车可以让每个人都知道这是不正常的克丽欧。

8.The Renault Cpo World Series and Renault Megane World Series will be shown off for the first time at Silverstone over the July 4th weekend.雷诺Cpo的世界系列赛和雷诺梅甘娜世界系列赛将是展示了首次在银石赛道在7月4日的周末。

9.I'm bushed, time for bed. Good night, kitties, good night, Cpo .我好累呀,要去睡了。晚安,小猫咪。晚安,克丽欧。

10.Her Renault Cpo parked across a railway pne.Her雷诺Cpo停跨越铁路线的驱动程序。