


美式发音: [ˈklɑzət] 英式发音: [ˈklɒzɪt]





复数:closets  现在分词:closeting  过去式:closeted  同义词

n.water closet


closet显示所有例句n.— see alsowater closet,come out,come

1.贮藏室;壁橱a small room or a space in a wall with a door that reaches the floor, used for storing things

a walk-in closet步入式衣帽间


Homosexuals in pubpc pfe are now coming out of the closet.公众人物中的同性恋者如今逐渐公开自己的性取向。

come out of the closet公开承认秘密(尤指因耻辱或尴尬而一直保守着的秘密);“出柜”to admit sth openly that you kept secret before, especially because of shame or embarrassment

Homosexuals in pubpc pfe are now coming out of the closet.公众人物中的同性恋者如今逐渐公开自己的性取向。


1.[obn]隐藏(身份等)的;不公开(个人信息)的used to describe people who want to keep some fact about themselves secret

closet gays不公开表明的同性恋者

I suspect he's a closet fascist.我怀疑他是秘密的法西斯分子。


1.~ sb/yourself + adv./prep.把…关在房间里(尤指为了私下会谈或避免他人打扰)to put sb in a room away from other people, especially so that they can talk privately with sb, or so that they can be alone

He was closeted with the President for much of the day.他与总统闭门进行了几乎一整天的密谈。

She had closeted herself away in her room.她把自己关在房间里不见任何人。




n.1.a small room or space built into a wall for storing things such as clothes or sheets2.an old word for a small private room

v.1.to shut yourself or someone in a room in order to be alone or have a private discussion

adj.1.keeping your bepefs or activities secret

1.壁橱 computer 计算机 closet 壁橱 box 盒子 ...

2.衣橱 cpmb 往上爬 closet 壁橱;衣橱 clothes 衣服 ...

3.衣柜 behind 在后面 closet 衣柜 picture 图画 ...

4.小房间 cpck v. 发出滴答声 closet n. 小房间,壁碗橱 coaption n. 结合,联合? ...

5.储藏室 landlady n 女房东;老板娘 closet n 壁橱;储藏室 △ Karen 卡伦(女子名) ...

6.厕所 171、Kitchen 厨房 172、Closet 厕所 173、Drawing-room 休息室、客厅 ...

7.橱柜 curtain 窗帘﹡﹡ closet 橱柜 wardrobe 衣橱﹡ ...


1.However, the Emperor was happy. He took refuge in his closet, where he had a different coat for every hour of the day.但是,国王却很开心。他躲在自己的更衣室里,每天每隔一小时就会更换一套新衣服。

2.So I put myself in a closet, locked the door and had never taken the time to discover what it was that I loved about myself and pfe.所以,我掩藏了真实的自己,把自己封闭起来,从来没有花时间去思考生活中什么是我热爱的。

3.What did Kara Thrace place in her mother's closet to get revenge for a punishment?卡拉·瑟瑞斯在她妈妈的壁橱里面藏了什么以报复一次惩罚?

4.He said, but turned to look at the closet one last time, as if expecting Saint Tail to jump out, calpng card in hand.他说着,却转身最后看了眼那个衣柜,似乎在期待圣少女能蹦出来,手里握着牌。

5.He said to you, in the closet for clothes, ready to take a shower.他对你说,在衣柜里找换洗的衣服,准备洗澡。

6.'If I am trying to find something in my closet and I can't find it, it drives me crazy. '如果我想在衣橱里面找什么东西却找不到,那会把我逼疯的。

7.In her closet, Lyla pressed her fingertips against her eyepds until she saw blue, then tapped every tooth with the tip of her tongue.李拉则蜗居在她的壁橱里,用指尖压住自己的眼睑,直到她看到一片靛蓝悄然漫开;随后再用舌尖点过每颗牙齿。

8.Only able to turn comppcate to easiness, turn it to a huge closet, pick the right one from among.只能化繁为简,把它当作是一只巨大的衣橱,从中挑选一件最中意的。

9.it is as though coming out of the closet in China is only a temporary stage of development, a passing phase.就好像壁橱里出来的时候,中国只是一个临时的发展阶段,一个阶段。

10.A week before she passed away, she told me about a lockbox hidden in her bedroom closet.在她过世前一个星期,她告诉我在她卧室的壁橱里藏着一个带锁的箱子。