




1.服装店 fishing spot 钓鱼地点 clothes shop 服装商店 APOthecary 药剂师 ...

3.衣服店 18.photos shop 相舖 19. clothes shop 衣服店 cafe shop 咖啡店 ...

4.时装店 2. bookshop 书店 3. Clothes shop 时装店 4. shoe shop 鞋店 ...

5.售衣店 customs shed( 海关仓库);④ clothes shop售衣店), clothes pne( 晒衣绳), ...

6.服饰店 chemist 药商 clothes shop 服饰店 convenience store 便利商店 ...

7.服装卖场 Unit 1 Jewellery 珠宝首饰 Unit 2 Clothes Shop 服装卖场 Unit 3 Local Products 当地特 ...


1.I know a woman with a clothes shop who went there with her RC card and all the money.我知道一名开服装店的女子去那里(尼泊尔商业注册办公室),拿着难民证和所需的钱。

2."One lady in a clothes shop thought it was a ferret and was waiting for it to jump out, " Aisha laughs.“有一次,一家成衣店的一位妇女以为是只黑足鼬,还等着它跳出来呢,”爱莎笑着说。

3.You wake up as a clothes shop assistant. Your customer's beer belly is threatening the pfe of a pair of trousers . You say.假如你是某服装店的服务生,当你的顾客试穿裤子时,他那啤酒肚几乎要把裤子撑破了。你会说。

4.How about that women's clothes shop round the corner from the bank?银行街角拐弯处的女服装店怎么样?

5.The complete range of specifications and variety of colors are the constant feature of our clothes shop.规格齐全,花式多样,是本服装商店一贯的特色。

6.An old woman walked into a clothes shop.一个老女人走进一间衣服店。

7.Across the courtyard is times square, sell things a lot of, a stationery shop, a bank, two clothes shop.大院的对面是时代广场,卖东西的很多,一家文具店、一个银行、两家衣服店。

8.Fashionable youth clothes series marketed by the clothes shop specially for women are the confident choice of yours.女子服装专卖店推出新潮青春服装系列,是您信心的选择。

9.Last night, the body of a 22-year-old man was found in the doorway of a clothes shop in Valley Town.昨晚,一名二十二机构岁男子被发现在一个城市中谷衣服店门口。

10.The shopkeepers loathe them because, as the manager of Fashionable Male, a clothes shop, puts it, they lack a "shopping agenda" .店主都很讨厌他们,因为,正如“时尚男性”服装店的经理所说的,他们没有“购物计划”。