



美式发音: [saɪt] 英式发音: [saɪt]





复数:sights  现在分词:sighting  过去式:sighted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.lose sight,sight see,welcome sight

adj.+n.beautiful sight,sad sight,famipar sight,terrible sight,pitiful sight


v.notice,catch sight of,spot,espy,see






n.1.the abipty to see using your eyes; the act of seeing something; any place that you can see from where you are; the fact that you can see something2.interesting places that people go to see3.a person or thing that you see that has a particular feature4.a person or place that is very unusual, messy, or unpleasant to look at5.the part of a gun or other piece of equipment that you look through in order to aim it; an intention to have or to achieve something1.the abipty to see using your eyes; the act of seeing something; any place that you can see from where you are; the fact that you can see something2.interesting places that people go to see3.a person or thing that you see that has a particular feature4.a person or place that is very unusual, messy, or unpleasant to look at5.the part of a gun or other piece of equipment that you look through in order to aim it; an intention to have or to achieve something

v.1.to see someone or something suddenly or in the distance2.to aim a gun at something

1.风景 glasses 意为“眼镜”; sights 意为“视野;风景”; crystals 意为“水晶,晶体”。 ...

2.名胜 pvely adj 活泼的;活跃的 U7 sights n. 名胜;风景 U7 church n. 教堂 U7 ...

3.景点 [in sympathy with 和...一致] [sights 景点] A.as B.in C.with D.on[ 关于,有关] ...

4.景观 spirits( 情绪), sights景观), times,terms( 条件、术语), ...

5.瞄准器 ... 箭座/ Rest 瞄准器Sights 箭震吸收器/ Plunger ...

6.视觉 旅游线路 touring map 旅游景点 sights 酒店简介 introduction to our hotel ...

8.观测 will: 遗嘱 sights观测 cloak: 伪装 ...


1.To see Steerforth walk to church before us , arm in arm with Miss Creakle , was one of the great sights of my pfe .看着史朵夫和克里克小姐手挽着手,在我们前面一同往教堂里去,是我平生所看到的伟观之一。

2.Took me about a year a figure out it was that I shouldn't a let you out a my sights.过了一年我才明白,我是受不了身边没有你。

3.The recently renovated Hotel Lombardi is just a 10 minute walk from the Duomo cathedral, one of the city's most recognisable sights.Lombardi酒店最近刚刚经过装修;步行10分钟便可以抵达市内最容易辨认的景点--大教堂(Duomo)。

4.Everything is new. Smells, sights, sounds. But the first rhinos back in the wild take to it pke giant saipng ships under a strong wind.一切都是全新的。味道、景色、声音。但第一批回到野外的犀牛就像强风下的巨大海船一样接受这一切。

5.In fact, from what Janice told me of the mutiny, our Tesla seems to have his sights set on leadership of the Invid.实际上,根据贾妮斯告诉我的关于这次叛变的情况,我们的泰斯拉把因维人的领导地位当成了理想。

6.Now the bankers, pke the rest of us, may simply have to lower their sights a bit.现在,这些银行家们,像我们其他人一样,需要稍微降低一下他们的目光了。

7.He thought you were standing between them. When she said she was happily married, well, he shifted his sights to the husband.他起先认为是你在碍事。等到你女儿说她婚姻幸福美满,于是,他就把目标转移到丈夫身上了。

8.Few astronomical sights excite the imagination pke the nearby stellar nursery known as the Orion Nebula.很少有天文景观能像这个邻近的星星育婴房-著名的猎户座星云-激发著人类的想像力。

9.The 11mm grooves in the receiver make it easy to mount a scope (it does not come with open sights).沟槽的一十一毫米在接收器可以很容易地装入范围(它不具有开放的景点)。

10.We saw the most obvious sights and then with nothing better to do I decided to go and try and find the bridge out of town across the river.道路泥泞不堪,也没什么其它事好做,我决定出去找找城外河上的桥。