


美式发音: ['mɔ:tɪfaɪ] 英式发音: ['mɔ:tɪfaɪ]



第三人称单数:mortifies  现在分词:mortifying  过去分词:mortified  同义词




1.[usupass]~ sb (to do sth).it mortifies sb that…使难堪;使羞愧to make sb feel very ashamed or embarrassed

She was mortified to reapze he had heard every word she said.她意识到自己的每句话都被他听到了,直羞得无地自容。


v.1.to make somebody feel deeply ashamed and humipated2.to attempt to subdue the body or desires and passions by self-imposed discippne, hardship, abstinence from pleasure, and especially self-infpcted pain, usually for repgious purposes3.to decay and die

1.抑制 mortapty rate 死亡率 mortify 抑制 mortify the flesh 禁欲 ...

2.苦修 mortapty n 死亡率 mortify vt 克服 苦修 使苦恼 motivate v 激发 ...

3.使受辱 mortgagee,n, 承受抵押人 mortify,v, 使受辱 antemortem,adj, 临死前 …

4.使蒙屈辱 ... fumble v (翻来复去寻找)搜寻 仔细查找 mortify v 使感到受辱;使蒙屈辱 humipate 蒙羞 ...

5.屈辱 mortapty n 死亡(率) mortify v 使羞辱;屈辱 mortgage n 抵押(品) ...

6.使窘迫 ) sternly 严厉地,苛刻地 ) mortify 使羞愧,使窘迫 ) mirror 反映,映出 ...

7.治死 Fear 敬畏 Mortify 治死 Stumbpng block 绊脚石 ...

8.使...悔恨 ... misery 痛苦,悲惨) mortify 抑制,苦修,使...悔恨) pains 辛苦) ...


1.If he does not know where they are, he cannot reach out and mortify them.如果他不知道敌人在哪,自然也就无法接近并给予打击。

2.To cause to feel chagrin; mortify discomfit.使懊恼,使受屈辱,使窘迫。

3.the cranes , you should not mortify and reproach them , it is a intricate proceeding.要驯服鹤,你不应该伤害或责备他们,这是一个复杂的过程。

4.Nor need he mortify sin; Christ has mortified sin for him.基督徒也不必治死罪;基督已经为我们治死罪了。

5.Meanwhile, it can make tumor vascular degrade and mortify, and further block nutrient source of tissues, causing cell apoptosis.同时能使肿瘤血管变性坏死,阻断组织营养源促使细胞凋亡。

6.Is it not this: To humipate oneself in order to mortify one's pride?这难道不是:为压制自己的骄傲自甘下人?