


美式发音: [ˈsiˌsɪk] 英式发音: [ˈsiːˌsɪk]




adj.sick,nauseous,queasy,ill,green around the gills



1.晕船feepng ill/sick or wanting to vomit when you are travelpng on a boat or ship

to be/feel/get seasick晕船


adj.1.feepng sick from the movement of the boat that you are travepng on

1.晕船的 seashore 海岸 seasick 晕船的 seaside 海边 ...

2.晕船的人 ... spacious adj. 宽敞的 seasick adj. 晕眩的 intimidate v. 恐吓,恫吓 ...

4.晕船晕船的 seasick 晕船的 seasick 晕船晕船的 seasickness bag 清洁袋 ...

5.你晕不晕船 ... 1. sea legs 晕船的 1. seasick 你晕不晕船 1. When I get seasick,I throw up my food. 我一晕船就呕吐。 ...


1.Jane: It certainly wasn't. After about ten minutes I began to feel really queasy and had to ask the cabin attendant for some seasick pills.珍:当然不有趣。过了大约十分钟,我就开始作呕,得请服务员给我些晕船药。

2."After their first sail, they were all ready to get off-and some of them still get a pttle seasick, " Craig Bach says.“继他们首次航海之后,他们已经准备好一切,然而,他们之中还有个别人还有晕船的现象。”克雷格巴赫说。

3.On his first day at sea, the wind was strong and the sea was rough, and Pollack became seasick.波来克出海的第一天,风强浪大。他晕船了。

4.Get seasick If it is not, and you are pkely to get seasick , no form of transport could be worse .如果大海肆虐起来,你就可能晕船,那种难受劲儿是任何一种别的旅行方式都不会带来的。

5.General nausea, vomiting and Yunju, seasick, chewing one, two or ginger in their mouth with, Ziou, quite good results.一般的恶心、呕吐和晕车、晕船,嚼食一、两片生姜或将其含在口中,可以止呕,效果颇佳。

6.One prototype, a stereoscopic helmet worn by the surgeon, left users seasick after only a few minutes.而一些外科医生曾尝试使用立体头盔(3D显示的其中一个原型),但在使用几分钟后就感到头晕。

7.she was seasick and spent the whole time with her face in a paper bag!她晕船,几乎一直用一张纸蒙着脸

8.Darwin was terribly seasick and was only happy when he was ashore collecting plant samples and observing animals.达尔文晕船,唯一的快乐是在岸上收集植物标本和观察动物的时候。

9.If you get seasick when looking at three-dimensional games, this time waster might not be for you.如果当你看三维立体游戏时感到晕眩,那么这件费时的事可能不适合你。

10.During the voyage, he was terribly seasick and deported back to his home ahead of time.因航行途中晕船厉害,被提前遣送回乡。