


美式发音: [ki, keɪ] 英式发音: [kiː]



复数:quays  同义词




1.码头;埠头a platform in a harbour where boats come in to load, etc.

A crowd was waiting on the quay.有一群人在码头上等着。


n.1.a hard surface next to an ocean or river, where boats can stop

1.码头 Dock 码头 Quay 码头 Terminal 班轮靠泊码头 ...

2.埠头 quartz syenite 石英正长岩 quay 埠头;顺岸式码头 quay wall 岸墙;装 …

3.船埠 船舶〖 shipping;boatsandships〗 船埠quay;dock〗 船舱〖 hold〗 ...

4.停泊所 quasi-steady wave 准定长波 quay 码头,停泊所 quotation 报价单 ...

5.奎伊 ... quasi-money 准货币 quay 贴岸码头;横码头 quay port 码头港 ...

7.岸壁 quaver 发颤音,震动 quay 码头,突堤,岸壁 quebec 魁北克(加拿大省名) ...

8.码头区前些年新西敏市政府下大力气打造出了一个居住新区,就是江边靠下游方向的码头区Quay)。其实码头区是新西敏的历史老 …


1.The wind carries the smell of diesel fumes and the shouts of workers loading fresh tuna into an ice-filled truck further down the quay.随风飘来柴油燃烧的气味和人们在往盛满冰块的卡车上装载新鲜的金枪鱼的呼喊声。

2.Once they each of them earned a franc by loading trucks with innumerable boxes of oranges that had been dumped down on the quay.还有一次,卡车要把堆在码头上的许多筐桔子运走,思特里克兰德同尼柯尔斯船长帮助装车,每人挣了一法郎。

3.At the near end of the quay, First of May was lashed to the pier, her rocket silos open as she underwent a minor refit.码头近端,墩柱旁泊着“五、一”号,它的导弹发射仓口全部敞开,在接受一次小规模整修。

4.The minimum length of a quay should be sufficient FOR mooring the longest ship expected to arrive.堤岸式码头的最低长度应足以停靠可望到达的最长船只的长度为准。

5.Scientists have been baffled by the appearance of a mysterious cave at West India Quay, London.科学家们一直困惑的一个在西印度码头,伦敦神秘洞穴的出现。

6.is to take place in the port of destination on Board the vessel or on the quay (wharf), the DES or DEQ terms should be used.该术语适用于各种运输方式,但当货物在目的港船上或码头交货时,应使用DES或DEQ术语。

7.A great place to view both of these landmarks is Circular Quay, from where ferries go back and forth to the North Shore.环形码头是观赏这两个地标的一个好地方,从那儿渡轮来回于北岸。

8.Finish off the night in one of several outdoor bars, pstening to the waves crash against the quay.你可以在室外酒吧结束今天的旅程,听海浪拍打岩石的声音。

9.Landed on the quay, just as the ship was saipng.到了码头,船正好着要开

10.In the operations of the container ports, quay crane schedupng is critical to the operational efficiency of a container terminal.在集装箱港口的运作中,装卸桥调度对港口的运作效率起着至关重要的作用。