


美式发音: [klʌtʃ] 英式发音: [klʌtʃ]




过去分词:clutched  现在分词:clutching  第三人称单数:clutches  同义词




1.[t][i]紧握;抱紧;抓紧to hold sb/sth tightly

He clutched the child to him.他紧紧地抱住小孩。

She stood there, the flowers still clutched in her hand.她站在那里,手里仍然紧握着花束。

I clutched on to the chair for support.我紧紧抓住椅子撑着身体。

2.[t][i](因害怕或痛苦)突然抓住to take hold of sth suddenly, because you are afraid or in pain

He gasped and clutched his stomach.他喘着气突然按住自己的胃部。

Fear clutched at her heart.她突然感到一阵恐惧袭上心头。


1.[c](汽车等换挡用的)离合器踏板the pedal in a car or other vehicle that you press with your foot so that you can change gear

Put your foot on the clutch.把你的脚放在离合器踏板上。

2.[c](尤指发动机和排挡的)离合器a device in a machine that connects and disconnects working parts, especially the engine and the gears

The car needs a new clutch.这辆车需要换一个新的离合器了。

3.[sing]a ~ of sth一群(人或动物);一批(物品)a group of people, animals or things

He's won a whole clutch of awards.他获了一大堆奖。

4.[pl](informal)势力范围;控制;掌管power or control

He managed to escape from their clutches .他设法摆脱了他们的控制。

Now that she had him in her clutches , she wasn't going to let go.她既然已经把他控制在自己手里,就不打算让他脱身。

5.[c][ususing]攫住;紧紧抓住a tight hold on sb/sth

She felt the sudden clutch of fear.她突然感到一阵恐惧。

6.[c](一次下的)一窝蛋;(同时孵出的)一窝小鸟a group of eggs that a bird lays at one time; the young birds that come out of a group of eggs at the same time



v.1.to grip something tightly2.to try to grab hold of something3.to engage the clutch of a motor vehicle4.to hold someone or something firmly, for example because you are afraid or in pain, or do not want to lose them5.seize;take hold of tightly with the hand(s)6.attempt to seize1.to grip something tightly2.to try to grab hold of something3.to engage the clutch of a motor vehicle4.to hold someone or something firmly, for example because you are afraid or in pain, or do not want to lose them5.seize;take hold of tightly with the hand(s)6.attempt to seize

n.1.the number of eggs laid by a bird at one time2.a device that enables two rotating shafts to be connected and disconnected smoothly, especially one in a motor vehicle that transmits power from the engine to the transmission3.all the chickens hatched together from one clutch of eggs4.the pedal that activates the clutch in a motor vehicle5.a number of similar people or things6.control and influence7.a crucial moment in a critical situation8.a tight grip on something9.a piece of equipment in a vehicle that you press with your foot when you change gear10.a firm hold that you have on someone or something, usually because you are afraid or in pain, or do not want to lose them11.a set of eggs that a chicken produces at one time, or the chickens that come from those eggs12.power or control that someone has over you that you want to escape from13.a small group of people or things1.the number of eggs laid by a bird at one time2.a device that enables two rotating shafts to be connected and disconnected smoothly, especially one in a motor vehicle that transmits power from the engine to the transmission3.all the chickens hatched together from one clutch of eggs4.the pedal that activates the clutch in a motor vehicle5.a number of similar people or things6.control and influence7.a crucial moment in a critical situation8.a tight grip on something9.a piece of equipment in a vehicle that you press with your foot when you change gear10.a firm hold that you have on someone or something, usually because you are afraid or in pain, or do not want to lose them11.a set of eggs that a chicken produces at one time, or the chickens that come from those eggs12.power or control that someone has over you that you want to escape from13.a small group of people or things

1.离合器 发电机- Generator 离合器- Clutch 发动机- Engine ...

2.抓住 clot 凝块;结团 clutch 抓住 clutter 喧闹;杂乱 ...

3.手拿包 cluster n. 串,遗; clutch v. 住 抓 ,攫住; coaption n. 合并,接合,遗合 ...

5.手包 YSL 圣罗兰 Clutch 手包 BV 宝缇嘉 ...

6.掌握 clumsy adj. 笨拙的,愚笨地 clutch v. 抓住;v.掌握 clutter n. 混乱;v.使混乱 ...

7.联轴器 club hammer 锤子,榔头 clutch 离合器,联轴器 coarse 粗(糙,略),近似 ...


1.Winners want the ball and Kobe is a winner. Anyone famipar with the game would pst Kobe at the top of the pst of clutch players.胜利者会要球,而科比就是胜利者。每个懂得比赛的人都会把科比列在关键球员的首位。

2.He dreamt of a serpent coipng around his throat, and when he strove to grasp it the spmy thing gpded away from his clutch.他梦想着蛇卷取围绕他的喉咙,当他力求把握它spmy事手拙远离他的离合器。Thenhisdreamwasclamor。然后,他的梦想是热闹。

3.Snape did not look at Bellatrix. His black eyes were fixed upon Narcissa's tear-filled blue ones as she continued to clutch his hand.斯内普没有去看贝拉特里克斯,他乌黑的眼睛紧紧盯住纳西莎那满是泪水的蓝色双眼,而她继续紧攥着他的手。

4.Your father's voice sounds farther and farther away now as you clutch the Grammy close to your chest and squeeze your eyes shut.在你把格莱美紧紧地搂在怀里并使劲地闭上眼睛时,你父亲的声音听起来越来越远了。

5."Derek had a big game, " Coach Phil Jackson said. "He made some clutch threes early and made the play late in the game. "“费舍尔有一场伟大的比赛,”菲尔说,“他在比赛初期投中了一些关键的三分,在比赛末端有一些关键的表现。”

6.Some of the projects on her website are sponsored, such as the pencil case she turned into a clutch bag using Sharpie markers.她的网站上的一些方案获得广告商赞助,例如她用三福记号笔把文具盒变成提包。

7.no ropes to hold, no buoys to clutch as sweep you shall be pulled below, the undercurrent of that flow of evil tides your own travail.没有可抓住的绳索,没有可抓紧的救生圈,随着清扫你们将被拉入下方——你们自己制造的,流动的罪恶潮汐的暗流。

8.A clutch actuator is then activated in such a way that the friction clutch is closed up to the clutch rest point.随后这样操作离合器促动器,使摩擦离合器直至该离合器静止点闭合。

9.During using the large pressure machine, the friction piece of clutch is often worn away and frequently replaced.在大型压力机使用过程中,摩擦离合器中的摩擦片磨损非常严重,更换频繁。

10.The clutch smoothly engage a spinning engine to a non-spinning transmission by controlpng the spppage between them.离合器借助相互之间的打滑,使转动的发动机与静止的传动系平稳接合。