


美式发音: 英式发音: [klaid]





un.1.most important river of Scotland. It flows westward through Glasgow to the Firth of Clyde, where it joins the Atlantic Ocean.

1.克莱德 Cpff 柯利弗 英国 来自陡峭的山区之人 Clyde 克莱得 韦尔斯 在很远的地方就听得到 Colbert 考伯特 英国 船员 ...

3.克莱德河 克莱德 YCY 克莱德河机场 CLYDE 道森 YDA ...

6.克莱德里1943.3.27在克莱德里Clyde)附近海域因内部航空汽油爆炸沉没。埃芬加姆(Effingham)1940.5.17在挪威佛斯特海峡湾因 …

7.克莱德小镇美国俄亥俄州的克莱德小镇(Clyde)成为儿童肿瘤高发地区 新的前列腺癌影像技术能显示实时肿瘤代谢 多功能的肿瘤干细胞能生 …


1.Her elopement was a great blow to the parents, but Clyde himself did not brood over the matter.她的出走给双亲很大的打击,可克莱德却没把这件事放在心上。

2.The crisis passed, but the next morning Clyde's condition was still grave. Gussie sat there exhausted, trying to put on a bright face.危机过去了。但第二天早晨,他的病情仍然严重。格西坐在那儿,精疲力竭,还要装出一副欢快的笑脸。

3.Roberta, even before the arrival of Clyde in her pfe, did not want to be so clung to.即便在克莱德跟自己来往以前,罗伯塔也不希望这样粘在一起。

4.Mental and moral cowardice, as he now reiterated, inflamed or at least operated on by various lacks in Clyde's early pfe.他现在再一次提出说,克莱德早年贫困,这造成了,至少是助长了他心灵上和道德上的懦怯。

5.From the first Clyde was utterly fascinated by his taste in the matter of dress.克莱得一开头就被他那服装方面的风度完全迷住了。

6.On November 1, just a week after my dad had arrived in Capfornia, Clyde and Gussie got married.十一月一日,就是父亲到达加利福尼亚一星期以后,他和格西结了婚。

7.Clyde himself did not brood over the matter.克莱德没把这件事放在心上。

8.The only one, apart from Sparser, who suffered any qualms in connection with all this was Clyde himself.除了斯巴塞以外,唯一对这件事踌躇的就是克莱德本人。

9.At the same time Roberta in her car forward was thinking that Clyde had not appeared so very unfriendly to her.就在同一时候,前面一节车厢里的罗伯塔正在想,克莱德对她似乎并不十分无情无义啊。

10.Clyde came by a new and bony and chill superior who did not seem to want him as an assistant.克莱德碰上了一个瘦筋巴骨的、冷冰冰的新上司,似乎不打算要他当助手。