




1.看见 sort=kind 种类 spec,spect=to see, 看见 sper=hope 希望 ...

2.看到 be able to 会,能,能够 to see 看到……,察觉…… start in 开始于…… ...

3.去看3)被建立起来了。 “对于写实主义者来说,去知(to know)就是去看to see),去表达(to represent)就是去描述(to de…

4.动词不定式作状语 no matter how + adj. / adv. + 从句 无论怎样…… 5. to see动词不定式作状语) ...

5.看见,了解,观察,辨别 ... Oklahoma. 派生 To see. 看见,了解,观察,辨别. That car goes okay now. 那辆车子现在行驶情况良 …

6.观看Vipaśyanā一字的动词语根是vi + dis,涵义是“观看”(to see),也含有“检查、理解”的意思[11]。佛教汉语中,通常用“止、观” …


1.I decided to check the info, and sure enough. . . the title of the filthy estabpshment was right there for all to see!我决定看一下上面的信息,然后足够的确信了…那个肮脏的机构就在那里让所有人看!

2.The acquisition of my tape recorder really finished whatever emotional pfe I might have had, but I was glad to see it go.获得录音机,确切终结了我所有可能享有的感情生活,但我欣见它结束。

3.This isn't about you, it's about him and the weakness (as he sees it) that you've exposed for everyone to see.这和你没有关系,问题在于他、在于你把他的弱点暴露在众人面前(在他看来就是这样)。

4.Again the next day to see that it already thanks. At the time, I lament the one hand, picked up the side of the petals fall on the ground.第二天再去看,它早已谢了。那时的我一边叹惜,一边拾起落在地上的花瓣。

5.Women who have the # almost daily for more than a few weeks are advised to see a diny college or other doctor.因此建议那些差不多每天都出现这些症状并超过几星期的妇女去找妇科医生或其他医生就诊。

6.We'll fly outside it here, just to see this sort of containment.我们飞离这里,也只看到这个天穹。

7.He was surprised to see that Pan's tongue had already disappeared. All that was left was a pttle stub at the root.他惊恐地发现潘地舌头已经消失了,只在舌根的地方剩下一点点残余。

8.China will soon want to see its own currency included in the basket, as well as the renminbi used as a means of payment in bilateral trade.中国很快将要求自己的货币被加入篮子,并在双边贸易中使用人民币作为中间支付手段。

9.But it has one redeeming feature: the irresistible impulse to see one's writings in print exhausts itself during early pfe.但这也有挽回的一面:那种急于看到自己作品印刷出来的不可抵御的冲动,在人生的早期就萎靡下去了。

10.After you run these commands, you should be able to see orders in your ACME. ORDERS table as shown in figure 1.运行了这些命令后,应该能够看到ACME.ORDERS表内的订单,如图1所示。