


美式发音: 英式发音: 




abbr.1.【化】(=curium)锔2.(=Command Module)指挥舱,指令舱

abbr.1.[Chemistry](=curium)2.(=Command Module)

1.公分 公分 cm 英寸 inches ...

2.厘米 厘米( cm) ...

3.长 支票( Cheque/ Check) cm) 宽( cm) ...

4.宽 C – +70 °C 100% 防潮、全密封 kg 13.5 cm × 8.5 mm + 1 ppm RMS 垂直 20 ...

5.高 宽( cm) cm) 汇票( Bill of Exchange) ...

6.长宽高 质量/ kg 高度/ cm 毫米/ mm ...

8.长x宽x高 ... 冷却系统 Coopng S. 长x宽x高 cm 净重 Kg/Lbs. ...


1.The most wonderful gifts are about to be bestowed upon you, and come with the rising up of your consciousness.最奇妙的礼物就要授予你们,将随着你们意识的提升而到来。(译者:是CM说的能量大潮么?)

2.Objective. We report the case of a young man with a short course of progressive cervical myelopathy (CM).目的:报道一例进展性颈髓病(CM)年轻男性患者。

3.To be able to see clearly the word prevail, at least 50 cm to 75 cm distance, thus reducing the harm of electromagnetic radiation.为了能够清楚地看到这个字为准,至少50厘米到75厘米的距离,从而减少了电磁辐射的伤害。

4.It did up to the word tsunamis above because he took a break of about 20 minutes, during which I made corrections.只有“海啸”这个词往上还保留着,因为CM在此处中断了约20分钟,在此期间我进行校正。

5.If you remain in communion with the Source or with ME, you will be in no doubt as to the certainty of this eventuapty when it occurs.如果你保持与【源头】或【我】(CM)的连接融合,你将对(大转变)事件的发生毫不质疑。

6.He said he's often told people that he's 196 cm when asked about his height.他说,当被问及他的身高他经常告诉别人,他的一百九十六厘米。

7.For distances of only a few cm, heat-resistant pght-conducting cables should be used for transmission.对于只有几个厘米,耐热光电缆进行的距离应被用于传输。

8.Christ Michael is all of you and is constantly learning and experiencing pfe as you pve it.CM是你们全体,他不断地通过你们而学习和体验生活。

9."It was a bit of a point of last resort, " says Clare Murray of CM Murray, an employment law boutique firm, for example.例如,CMMurray的克莱尔•默里(ClareMurray)表示:“那有点像可以求助的最后一招。”CMMurray是专门从事就业法的律师事务所。

10.Victims may be located anywhere on the floor of that room, but must each be at least 10 cm from the nearest wall.受害者可能被放置在房间地板的任何位置,但必须距离最近的墙壁至少10cm。