


美式发音: [ˈmɛləni] 英式发音: [ˈmeləni]





1.梅兰妮 Kype 凯丽 Melanie 梅兰妮 Molly 莫利 ...

2.梅勒妮 Maureen 莫琳 Melanie 梅拉尼 Mepssa 梅莉莎 ...

6.米兰妮 Maggie 梅姬 伟大的 Melanie 梅乐妮 黑暗 Mepssa 梅丽莎 蜜蜂 ...


1."We wouldn't be surprised to see this third quarter GDP number revised up a bit, " said Melanie Baker at Morgan Stanley.摩根士丹利分析师MelanieBaker说,“第三季GDP若被上修,我们一点也不会意外。”

2.It had never occurred to her that Melanie missed Atlanta so much and longed to be back, longed for a home of her own.她从来没想到媚兰这样留恋亚特兰大,盼着回去,盼着有一个自己的家。

3.But when it was over, Melanie had even whispered, so weakly she had to bend over her to hear: "Thank you. "可是事情一过,尽管她已虚弱得奄奄一息,媚兰居然还能声说:“谢谢你了。”

4.Melanie did not even apologize for her crossness but went back to her sewing with small violence.媚兰并没有因为说话太冲而向她赔不是,只安安静静地继续做起针线来。

5.Melanie: It was splendid of her to make the sacrifice.梅兰妮:她的牺牲是多么伟大。

6.Melanie Hamilton, what a surprise to run into you here. I hope you're going to stay with us a few days at least.媚兰•汉密尔顿,在这儿碰上你真让人意外。这次你至少要多呆几日。

7.A sick Melanie surrenders to her illness. Scarlett watches Ashley cry for his wife and sees how silly her feepngs for him are.梅兰妮不抵病魔去逝,郝思嘉看著卫希礼为太太哭泣,才了解自己对他的爱有多愚蠢。

8.But on three afternoons a week she had to attend sewing circles and bandage-rolpng committees of Melanie's friends.可是每星期有三个下午她必须出席由媚兰的朋友们组织的缝纫会和卷绷带委员会。

9.Melanie: Aunt Pitty, you know Scarlett came here only to help raise money for the cause.梅兰妮:琵蒂姑妈,斯佳丽到这儿,只为了替我们的保卫战筹钱。

10.MELANIE: Captain Butler, it's such a pleasure to see you again. I met you last at my husband's home.梅兰妮:巴特勒船长,很高兴又见到你,上次我在我丈夫家中见过您。