


网络释义:宇宙微波背景辐射(cosmic microwave background);招商银行(China Merchants Bank);中国招商银行


1.宇宙微波背景辐射(cosmic microwave background) 院内各部门最新动态 关 …

5.化学质量平衡法(chemical mass balance )近年来提出化学质量平衡法( CMB) 、 因子分 析法( FA) 、 目标变换因子分析法( TTFA) 和正态矩 阵因子 化 ( PMF ) 法、 因 子 …


1.Theory predicts this event ought to be "imprinted" in the CMB and its detail should be retrievable with sufficiently sensitive instruments.按照理论预测,这次事件应该在宇宙微波背景上留下印记,足够敏感的探测仪器可以还原其中细节。

2.The X-rays scatter photons in the CMB, shifting its temperature in an effect known as the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect.X射线将光子散播在宇宙微波背景中,结果在一种被称为“运动学SZ效应”的作用下改变了宇宙微波背景的温度。

3.The enrichment factors and Chemical Mass Balance receptor model were appped to determine the main sources for PM in the studying area.研究使用富集因子和化学质量受体平衡(CMB)模型对近海海域TSP进行解析。

4.Photons of the CMB gain a small amount of energy when they pass through normal regions of space with matter, the researchers explained.宇宙微波背景辐射中的光子通过具有物质的普通太空区域时,会捕获少量的能量;

5.WMAP cannot detect these higher energy photons, so there should be a deficit of CMB photons around clusters.但WMAP却没能够发现这些高能量的光子,所以在宇宙微波背景辐射上那些星系的周围有些光子的亏损。

6.Therefore, the CMB is the beginning and the end of whole mantle convection.因此,地幔底层既是全地幔对流的起点,又是全地幔对流的终点。

7.Valentini says that hidden variables could provide a closer match with the observed CMB structure than standard quantum mechanics does.瓦伦蒂尼说隐变量理论可以比标准的量子力学更好地符合已观测到的宇宙微波背景辐射的结构。

8.With our international connectivity, CMB brings global solutions to local companies and local solutions to global companies.与我们的国际连接,中巴本地公司和本地解决方案的全球性公司带来了全球性的解决方案。

9.CMB talk about my credit card next to the known benefits of this Part, the basic environment! ! ! !说说我知晓的招行信用卡旁边本部的福利待遇的基本环境!!!!

10."The CMB is certainly visible but the image itself is colour-enhanced so you couldn't do any science with that, " he explained.他解释说,“宇宙微波背景的确清晰可见,但图片本身经过色彩强化,所以你无法从中得出科学结论。”