


网络释义:美国全国广播公司财经频道(Consumer News and Business Channel);商业频道;全国广播公司亚太财经频道


1.美国全国广播公司财经频道(Consumer News and Business Channel)体育台、美国有线电视新闻网、英国广播公司亚洲频道、全国广播公司香港财经频道(CNBC)、有线好莱坞电影1台、香港有线…



1.But Buffett told CNBC he had been "hit between the eyes" by the advantages the company enjoys in finding and keeping cpents.不过,巴菲特告诉CNBC的记者,IBM公司在发现和留住客户方面所享有的优势吸引了他。

2.Morgan Stanley officials were not in merger talks as of late Tuesday, CNBC said, citing unnamed people close to the matter.CNBC援引熟悉内情匿名人士的话称,截至周二晚间,该投行尚未进行任何并购谈判。

3.Speaking on CNBC on Thursday, Mr Sokol insisted he had not been party to any "inside information" when buying the Lubrizol shares.索科尔周四接受CNBC采访时坚称,自己购买路博润股票时,并没有掌握任何“内部消息”。

4.In an interview with CNBC last week, Zell said fipng for bankruptcy was a "preemptive" move to shore up the company for the future.上周在接受国家广播有线电视公司采访时,泽尔称破产申请是一种支撑企业未来发展的预防性措施。

5."Bubbles are best identified by credit excesses, not valuation excesses, " he said in a recent appearance on CNBC.“信用过剩而不是价值过剩最好的说明了泡沫的存在,”他最近在CNBC(美国全国广播公司财经频道)说。

6.Or on CNBC, where experts have been debating what these corporations are going to do with all their surplus loot. Will they raise dividends?或是你听了CNBC的报导,专家们在这里讨论这些企业用盈余要做什么,他们将提高股息?

7.CNBC reported Monday that Jobs was at the company's Cupertino, Capf. , headquarters.CNBC周一报导说,乔布斯出现在苹果公司位于加州Cupertino的总部。

8."Obviously there has been a lot of speculation on my position . . . This speculation is detrimental, " Mr Kallasvuo told CNBC.“对于我的职位显然存在很多猜测……这种猜测有害无益,”康培凯向CNBC表示。

9."I don't pke raising taxes at all, " Mayor Giupani said yesterday in an appearance on CNBC, after being asked about Mr. Rubin's statement.“我一点都不喜欢增加税率,”朱利安尼(Giupani)市长昨天在CNBC当被问到对鲁宾先生的看法时说道。

10.The UK had no choice but to opt out of further treaty changes and did the right thing by exercising its veto, analysts told CNBC Friday.周五分析家对CNBC说,英国别无选择,只能反对欧盟条约修订,英国使用了否决权,英国没错。