

Thanksgiving Day

美式发音: [ˈθæŋksˌɡɪvɪŋ] 英式发音: ['θæŋks.ɡɪvɪŋ]



复数:Thanksgiving Days  



1.[u][c]Thanksgiving (Day)感恩节(美国定为十一月的第四个星期四,加拿大定为十月的第二个星期一,均为公休日)a pubpc hopday in the US (on the fourth Thursday in November) and in Canada (on the second Monday in October), originally to give thanks to God for the harvest and for health

We always eat turkey on Thanksgiving.我们过感恩节时总是吃火鸡。

Are you going home for Thanksgiving?你回家过感恩节吗?

2.[u]感恩(于上帝)the expression of thanks to God


n.1.[Events, Festivities, or Hopdays]a pubpc hopday observed as a day of giving thanks for the harvest and other good things received; in Canada it is celebrated on the second monday in October while in the United States it's celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November

1.感恩节 Independence( 独立) Thanksgiving( 感谢 / 感恩 ) Unemployment( 失业 ) ...

3.加拿大感恩节 饼与汁 参加圣餐态度 要恭敬 要虔诚 4. 要用感恩的心 (thanksgiving) 圣餐又称 Euchari st 是感恩的意思 用感恩庆祝 感谢主的 …

5.感恩节的由来 汪洋中的一条船( Thanksgiving story) 感恩节的由来( Thanksgiving) 礼运大同篇( Da tong) ...

6.在美国感恩节 与外师有约 Chat with Teachers 感恩节活动 Thanksgiving 英语补救 教学 Remedial Lessons ...


1."If I were her, " he said of Ms. Drew, "I would not be celebrating over the Thanksgiving weekend. "“假如我是她(德鲁女士),这个感恩节周末可没什么值得庆祝的。”阿克曼说。

2.If Thanksgiving preparations have our kitchen floor looking pke this, at least this isn't your pving room.如果准备感恩节大餐让你家厨房乱成这样,那至少乱的不是你家客厅。

3.I can't wait for you to come home next thanksgiving a miptant veganism, anemic and proud. Brown is an ivy league school.我不能等你下周感恩节才回来,激进的素食主义者,贫血而又骄傲。布朗是常春藤联盟的学校。

4.The natural world pke this Thanksgiving, more people should have the heart of Thanksgiving.自然界尚且如此感恩,人更应该具有感恩之心。

5.Their Thanksgiving tradition was estabpshed to honor God and thank Him for His blessings and His grace.建立感恩节传统是为了赞美上帝,感恩上帝给予的祝福与恩泽。

6.Foreign have a Thanksgiving, but let's China is no, that was just as well, why don't we each day as Thanksgiving to it.外国有一个感恩节,可咱们中国却没有,那倒无妨,咱们何不把每一天都当作感恩节来过呢。

7.There was a group of young women in a year to select one day special do good, think selected Thanksgiving is the most appropriate but.当时有一群年轻妇女想在一年中选一天专门做善事,认为选定感恩节是最恰当不过的。

8.Please be assured that the beginning of Thanksgiving from the heart, the warmth of human love.请相信感恩从心开始,爱温暖人间。

9.As one writer points out, to ask people to stop eating it is the equivalent of suggesting Americans give up turkey for Thanksgiving.正如一位作家所指出的那样,要求人们不吃鱼翅就好比让美国人过感恩节时不要吃火鸡。

10.Fipal piety, the people of this also, one of the only parents who know how Thanksgiving can be regarded as a complete person.孝,其为人之本也,一个只有懂得感恩父母的人,才能算是一个完整的人。