


网络释义:离岸人民币;凯斯纽荷兰(Case New Holland);凯斯纽荷兰公司


1.离岸人民币离岸人民币 (CNH) 是在中国大陆境外交易的人民币形式。随着中国经济的增长和相关政策的出台及落实,离岸人民币市场自201…

2.凯斯纽荷兰(Case New Holland)凯斯纽荷兰(cnh)是在美国纽约证券交易所上市公司,控股方是菲亚特工业集团(米兰证券交易所上市).凯斯纽荷兰是全球农业机 …

3.凯斯纽荷兰公司凯斯纽荷兰公司(CNH)隶属于菲亚特工业集团(FIAT),是农业机械和工程机械行业的全球领导者,产品销往世界各地的170 个国 …

4.香港离岸人民币而在香港离岸人民币 (CNH)市场,上周人民币兑美元汇率一度触及2010年7月此项交易推出以来的新高,与内地即期汇率差价缩 …

5.人民币离岸价近来人民币离岸价CNH)低於在岸价(CNY),加上两者价差动辄逾千点子,银行界人士指,有投资者先以企业人民币户口 …

6.离岸人民币汇价离岸人民币汇价 (CNH),目前只有香港的RMB市场活跃,所以用HONGKANG的开头字母。在岸价 (CNY),大陆的RMB价格。


1.Still, Mr Marchionne has been trying to urge CNH to go far faster than its signature tractors and diggers.尽管如此,马尔基翁内一直在努力敦促CNH的发展速度要远远超过自己的招牌产品——拖拉机和挖掘机。

2.He argues that the possession of two brands should make it easier to attack the single-brand leaders, Deere and Caterpillar.他认为,拥有两个品牌,将使CNH较容易向迪尔和卡特彼勒等单一品牌的领先对手发起进攻。

3.There is no doubt that CNH needs work.无疑,CNH需要做些工作。

4.Several CNH executives, including the head of human resources, have been forced out.几名CNH高管已被排挤出公司,其中包括人力资源总监。

5.He is now spending almost half his time on CNH, following much the same formula he used at the car operations.他现在把几乎一半的时间花在CNH上面,采用的套路也与汽车部门相同。

6.The top group now reports directly to Harold Boyanovsky, promoted in March from head of construction equipment to chief executive.目前的公司高层直接向哈罗德•波亚诺夫斯基(HaroldBoyanovsky)负责。3月份,哈罗德•波亚诺夫斯基从建筑设备负责人晋升为CNH首席执行官。

7."The car side is doing better but CNH needs to be moved on, " he says.“汽车业务现在好多了,但CNH需要继续前进,”他说。

8.The lack of long-term benefit from CNH's new-found economies of scale underpnes Mr Marchionne's scepticism of big mergers.CNH新建立的规模经济缺乏长期效益,这突显了马尔基翁内对大宗合并所持有的怀疑态度。

9.Now, he says, CNH has to catch up with competitors, who make profit margins about one-fifth higher than next year's targets.马尔基翁内称,CNH现在必须赶上竞争对手。它们今年的利润率比CNH明年的目标高出约20%。

10.It was forced to swap $3. 3bn of debt for equity to maintain CNH's credit rating, even as Fiat fell to junk bond status.公司被迫将33亿美元债务转成股权,以维持CNH的信用评级,尽管菲亚特自己的债券评级已跌至垃圾级。